

start connecting online (AND NO ITS NOT JUST A STORY) IT'S REAL....
What is Crowd1 ?
Crowd1 is a company that connects crowd marketing and online networking with online gaming in a revolutionary way. This kind of business model with online networking is a first of its kind. It gives millions of people an opportunity to take part in the world’s largest and most lucrative entertainment history. It uses crowd marketing and online networking to create a solid crowd of members who are eager to take advantage of agreements negotiated with profitable third party companies. It ends up creating a unique business tailored for the world of sharing economy and online networking.

Crowd1 creates the power of the crowd to enable a residual income for millions of people. Currently, the most profitable industry is the gaming industry. Crowd1 seeks to introduce the customer base to this industry in a way that will create substantial recurring revenue for Crowd1 members without being a gaming company and without arranging any payments to a gaming company. In the world of technological advancements, they key to succeeding is to use the latest technology to build a business everyone understands in a minute with a service that everyone wants, already knows and loves to spend time on. Crowd1 is always at the forefront of technology, now featuring fully approved Android and IOS applications. It also has a responsive website adapted for increasing smartphone users by delivering great mobile experience for all the users. CROWD 1
Crowd1 must not be mistaken for a gaming or gambling company. It uses online networking and the most modern methods for customer acquisition, including affiliate systems to create a solid customer solid base. The customer base is then introduced to external partners through AfillGO and MIGGSTER, in the form of licensed gaming companies where agreements are made for profit sharing. No gaming or gambling products are made by Crowd1 or on the Crowd1 website and no money is paid to such sites via Crowd1.

The Crowd1 marketing model is the most powerful way of building an online network business. It features the strongest digital online networking and crowd marketing platform in the world. They have created a unique system for the largest global movement and opened access for all people to benefit from a system which was only accessible for big companies. WHY SHOULD YOU JOIN CROWD1?

Currently, the business is still in its prelaunch phase. The prelaunch took place on 25th January, 2019 and the Owner Rights program is available for the initial customers. The owner rights steadily increases in value. It guarantees real revenue from mobiles and internet with a high degree of reliability and security from proven partners. Signup using my link crowd1.com/signup/anni85