This is a story of two birds named Skye & Coco, It was large tree of mango where two little beautiful birds lived, and they were best friends.
When one time both had gone to find some food for them, as they both flew from their nest they saw some grains lying on the ground. they sat down and started eating that, while they were eating their food their leg got stucked on the net,which was lying above the ground,they began struggling now they were both trying to free themselves from that.
Suddenly,they heard...
When one time both had gone to find some food for them, as they both flew from their nest they saw some grains lying on the ground. they sat down and started eating that, while they were eating their food their leg got stucked on the net,which was lying above the ground,they began struggling now they were both trying to free themselves from that.
Suddenly,they heard...