

Not Love but lounge story
you know it was a time of March when I used to love my lounge ,when everyone fell to sleep in long dreams ,I always stayed there ,sitting on a soft and comforty sofa with my laptop on my lap,fully charged and you I mean us communicating each other via this little device. Those moments were precious for me and still they are ,that I cannot deny to exhillariate my self with those memories,talking bout routine, Sharing some funny memes ,Sharing some love dipped thoughts. We all did it TOGETHER.After giving enough to us ,that may long for hours, I always drifted off on our calls and then i dont remember how would you have reacted on my routined innocence,I never dared ask you bout it csuse I never dared ask you bout past as I scarcely gotta a time to discuss our today no sadly it's past again.
At that time,I had seen blush on my face,a slight smile on my lips and those desires in my eyes that one day we will one just as you told me.I never thought we will go apart cause for me it seemed usual untold mishap in SOME PEOPLE LIFE but I was sure to proud myself it won't gonna happen to me ever.Whenever I used to discuss that with him ,our alone long discussions on how people leave each other always ended in it "Leave it,atleast we are together the rest of the world let do what they want".All your lies seemed truth me ,the buttery sun in pur eyes always melted my honeyed smile ,All your words were so satisfying for my inner soul,I was so happy and then it happened that was never expected to be,A fear of losing you.
I cannot share the journey it took me to lose you,cause I ran so far to save Us, but yes it happened and we got apart .Now we live in the same world ,same country ,stare at the same moon daily nights but you are no more in my routine,no more your hissing voice in my head,No laughs of you in my LOUNGE.Since then I left you I don't go there ,it's walls scratch my heart ,every corner of it has a memory .I can't help my tears safely stay inside my eyes they always pop out like a bubble in a hot water. Cause yes it's my past that torn me apart.
© maniya