

Menstrual Hygiene
Menstruation is a very common phenomenon appears to females.

It starts from 12-13yr. Sometimes may be due to some reason thears a delay in its starting. The appearance of it at 1st time is called menarche.

Menstrual cycle occurs in a 28 day cyclic manners. In this cycle 1st 1-4/5 day is menstrual phage. During this menstruation occurs. & at this time break down of endometrium leads to a cause of menstrual blood flow. Due to lack of estrogen & some other hormones it happens.

Now it's important for a female to take care & continue the maintenance of menstrual hygiene at this menstrual period to possess a healthy lifestyle & self well being .

For that purpose one can take this following steps .

1. Always use sanitary napkins to escape any infection.

2. Wash your hands after using pads & after toilet.

3. Wash your external genitalia ( secret organelle) with having some medicinal / ayurvadic /herbal soap / cleanser or you may use gel/liquid like v-wash etc. Now a days a lot of these kind of formulation available in market.

4. Don't forget to make a proper disposal of your sanitary napkins. Just wrap it with paper or biodegradable disposable bags & put it in dustbin. Cation: don't flush pads.

5. Drink a sufficient amount of water as it's important to maintain blood flow smooth & make you hydrated.

6. Take healthy & hygienic food, fresh vegetables, fruits , milk as you need appreciate amount of nutrition at this time.

7. Avoid heavy exercise as it may be painful at this time. But you can continue mild exercise like walking , Youga etc .

8. Avoid sexual intercourse during this time.

9. If you feel heavy pain then take consultation from a medical professional . Cation : don't ignore any problems regarding this matter as it may be a cause of heavy problem later.

Anyways thus you can continue your hygiene & possese a healthy lifestyle during this time.

Have a nice day & healthy lifestyle . Women 💙
© deyanushree