

Time Jump
The email he has received today is marked urgent. But it's from a friend who died two years ago.
Shocked and petrified, he hesitated but opened it. An invitation to go out to Shillong that their friend circle had gone 2 years back. Fear took over his body, he fumbled, his breath shortened. He went over the table for his asthma pipe. He was fine, physically at least, his mind was horrified over the fact his dead friend had sent an email.
He called Michael, he got it too.
OK so it's not just me, he (Manny) thought.
Michael's next line shakes Manny to his core
Michael: I am excited!!
Excited!!, here Manny was going through damning fear
Manny: What the damn hell, Man.
Michael: What?? aren't you excited.
Manny: A dead friend sents you an email, u are excited??
Michael: It's his plan and what do you mean dead??
Manny: I get it, u guys are fucking with me. Funny, Haha, how did u get his email details.
Michael: What do you mean??
Manny: If not you then its Jacob's doing.
Manny: Emailing from Phil's account. I mean that's insulting to the dead and his family. We are his friends after all.
Michael: What are you saying, we just met yesterday, you were there.
Manny: Bro, it's been 2 years since his dead on our trip to shillong.
And you guys know better than to relive those memories.
Michael : Now you are scaring me.
Manny: Stop joking man.
Michael: I don't know what's the matter with you, We are going to Shillong For Phil's birthday bash. Period.

I had it by now, I screamed at him to keep his mouth shut. I almost threw way my phone, when I saw something strange. I disconnected the call and scrolled for the date, it was 15/6/2018. OK that's wrong how did it??.
I rushed to the backyard, to spot where I hid Phil's neck chain. It was gone, so were all the chains. Do I have to go through his murder again.
However the more pertinent question"where are the rest of the chains"??
One thing was sure that someone knew.
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