

Does priority of friendship change by time?

Being a strong woman of thoughts ,systematically passonate doing things in her own way. Sorting out her problems bravely noted not to hurt one's feelings.whatever might be her pain never wanted to show to the world,and wanted everyone around her to smile and stay happy.
She feels happy in advising and sorting out her people's problem.
Her mad was to have a happy smile on their lips whenever people remember her or hear her name.
She had a huge friends on the list but dreamt of having a besto who is all the way with her and whom she can call ''oh my friend''.
She got one and there was no end for her happiness. with all such hope she enrolled herself for higher education along with her besto...she had 2 years of independance to have a quality time with her besto.
She was so lucky that her parents for the first time trusted a guy and with no fear left their child with passing all her responsibility on to him.
Both were happy leading their lives at the new place. Both kept each other safe all the time.
Being to the college at the same time ,leaving the college at the same time. Never had a sort of fear that what others think being friends that to a girl and a boy. They had no fear because they both knew what they are and more over their two families trust their friendship no matter what others speak.
She made him the first preferance to share her pain and happiness.
And herself took the decission that until he settles in his career he is her responsibility.
What ever he does even a silly to silliest thing he is to share with her...like a son sharing to his mother.
Even if she goes to purchase a pencil he was with her not leaving her alone. Both were happy in their world of friendship. use to speak hours together in the calls,pulling each others legs,once the call ends, wonder what did they use to speak for such long hours. And both use to feel bad everyday thinking , we can just enjoy being for each other all the time,once getting apart how can we stay by restricting ourselves.
But both use to console each other and moved on. She felt her life is happy with her besto all the way.
But never thought she would miss him badly and feel alone even being in the crowd.
The one who made her feel safe with his presence around her. Now she had had to find him hard to find him . As uasually she rings him to share her happiness but she was out to reach him.
She never belived that meeting a new person will change the old bonds between people.Her heart melt into tears
, fully left with doubts and started feeling alone at the place which was new to her and for the first time felt why she took the decision to study there.
Her dreams and hopes crashed. The person who hates others crying was left with tears all the time whenever thinking of her besto.For the first time she felt she has been no more stronger as herself. There was no life in whatever she does. she had many restless nights but she couldnt found any sort of solution.
Day by day her fear of loosing her besto was killing her.
She couldnt directly ask him and hurt him. People saying about him to her ,made her hurt more,she felt he stopped sharing and now she is knowing it from others but never wanted to point out him for his mistakes,just wanted to make him realize , hug him and cry endlessly and ask him just be the same as before and she want to mention that she wont interfere into hid life because she feels she wont belong to the same position once it was in his life ,saying with all the pain,but she couldnt leave his life as she knew he is in the wrong path.
She is helpless,knowing her best friend is in wrong path but she feels she lost her rights to ask him and stop him.
And feels like whom am i to say no to his life decissions.
And also finally had a blame that she left him alone.Just she can only pray for him and find one or the other way to bring him out of that path.
The one who never prays for god for herself now prays for him . I think this is what they say things change with time.The person once gave you the first priority now have no time to care you.
Finally in dilemmo that,whethe
r to leave him being happy in his wrong path by not questioning him or to just suffer thinking about his life and cry all the time being helpless as all the time.

- Jyothi.A

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