

pandemic 2020
Social isolation had forced an eerie silence upon them. While fear haunted their existence, one question was at the forefront.
When was this going to end? But no one has the answer, everything in this world has stopped except the hunger. people are waiting to end of corona but news shows corona has rised to 80000+ in our country. Every source of income has stopped ,even Government income has stopped.
workers have no money to pay a rent and are throwing out of the house,walking towards their home but breaking news flashes on the tv showing workers are killed in an accident in UP. The worst year is here with no enjoyement and only tension some with a hunger and all with how to be safe in this pandemic.Everyone is living with a fear of corona, stomach forces them to go out and work to fulfill its need. People discussing if we do not die of corona we will die with hunger.
This year being worst to every profession ,some aren't able to work and some working with a fear. Some are working as a corona warriors and some to protect them. Everyone is doing their own work and helping the country to fight from it. some staying home without any income and some working outside to protect them.