

Dreaming ET
PART 1:-
The entrance of me in my dream. I was wearing a black shirt and black pant with guns holding to my waist, walking towards the gate of the academy with my hair flowing to the wind. Suddenly!!!! I heard a sound and looked up into the sky. There was yellow light that is becoming big as it is coming closer towards me from the evening grey sky.
It was a UFO space ship!!! that gone out of control to the gravity and crashed into trees far from people.
Everyone was scared and we're running for their lives to go back to their places as if something dangerous is near.... My head called us, I came back running to him, our team gathered, we were declared as a special team to go and secure them( ET ). We went to the address with orders. In front was a huge black gate. We entered inside and went to the second floor where these aliens were kept hidden. We entered an apartment with a huge hall in front with no furniture except the white walls and white floor. There we saw a huge HEXAGONAL BOX. It was half size of a single room box cage with six entries 🚪around it. Each room is separated with white borders and a black tinted glass door on each entrance of the room. I am the one to go forward and check it to lead the team. I went around the box, I heard something different from the inside, I tried to look inside. They don't know that we have arrived. They are doing their talkings as if they are planning for something. Suddenly!!! something came out opening the door and talking to me from behind saying "hmm very beautiful". The voice was human. So I quickly turned back to respond thinking that he is some forensic officer but I was shocked!!! looking at him at first sight. He was mostly to my size with brownish-black skin and with 3cm hair on his body. But more of human skin and body. He was talking to me saying about the daylight clouds and the beauty of the earth. I made a conversation and slowly diverted him to another room and locked him from outside. Because any of the species coming to our world from another planet is not safe going into the public. So I checked the next door if it locked or not so that they may not come out. I just hold the nob and turned it clock wise, The door opened automatically since it is not locked. Inside it was dark but then there came some creature suddenly running towards me seeing the light when the door is opened. It was scary with sharp teeth and had a rough scaled body like a crocodile with thorns like shark teeth. The creature had huge teeth on either side of its mouth..I got scared and closed the door immediately so that it will not escape..I checked all the doors and asked my team to follow my lead.

We came out and were about to go into another floor. Then I saw a huge crowd of people gathered at front gate and protesting the law against ET entering to our planet and landed in it.. We went to another floor to check if there are any other creatures hidden. As I was going to another floor I looked up and saw the building from where I was standing..It was white and huge. Never seen such kind of a building. It was rich and luxurious, and then I looked into the sky..The stars were more bright and bigger than I've ever seen before.
I went into another floor, Our team went in different directions to check on them. I heard screams and some of them reported that they were trying to escape..So we followed to keep them back in the hexagonal Box but there was fight, they even did hurt our team..People were trying to break the gate and kill them. But the security is trying to hold them..We saw some of them(ET) wearing nice human clothes with golden lace masks on their faces like Arabic and Egyptian culture to get into the world passing through the public so that no one would doubt them.
I saw my team is badly hurt and people were angry so I spoke to the team in intercom to gather themselves and leave, as each person of the team is valuable. I came to the ground floor stood on the grass in front and looked at the building. The security was telling me do you know what is this building you are looking at?? I said " I don't know because it is the first time I'm looking at it..I didn't even that it existed"..He laughed and said "this is the biggest and tallest hotel in the world that looks like it touches the sky".. I didn't even know it was a hotel. I came to my senses from the dream. I gaggle my mouth and drank some water as my throat was thirsty with dryness because of my dream.
I felt I need some more rest so I went back to sleep.
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