

Nightmare Streets : Horror at Camp Full Moon
yep , I am 14, but everyone thinks that I am actually 16 . don't know why . cause I think I have a 13 year old look . anyways , I am going for the summer camp tomorrow. Sheila, ( my 16 year old sister) kept telling me that I won't like it there . it would be so boring and that I would get the same boring food and no one to talk with and that I am going to a jail and i won't enjoy And all that . but I knew she was jealous so I ignored her . I was thinking about the summer camp. the best thing about it was that my best friend , ' Sydney ' was also coming with me. I was lying on my bed thinking about the summer camp and after that I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew was that I and Sydney were standing in front of the big bus . the bus was not an ordinary bus. it was a double deckor bus and not only that it was double deckor, but it also was glowing. it was open from two sides which weren't the gates . the bus had a glowing and very shiny lamp on its gate and the lamp had some butterflies surrounding it with shiny glowing wings. finally when I took my eyes off the bus, I realized that it was night time! the night sky had thousands of stars in it , which were too bright . no , they weren't stars they were fireflies ! then , before I even noticed, our hair and backpacks were glowing! and also we were surrounded with many butterflies with glowing wings . the bus also had a beautiful colour , dark blue ( the one of the night sky ) with lot of shiny stars made on it . We couldn't take our eyes off the beautiful sight when suddenly the door of the bus opened and what I saw was a disgusting old man with hundreds of freckles, rashes, spots and small pimples on his face. lots of flies biting him on his dirty spots and blood dripping off his face . lots of tiny red dots on his face. a Jiant bite of a honey bee and lots of hair on his nose. his lips were all bleeding. his nails were covered with all the food he had eaten. we both screamed as loudly as we could as soon as we saw the old man . I kept screaming for almost 1 and half a minute. Sydney had stopped screaming. then suddenly Sydney started shaking me hard calling my name . " Judy ! Judy ! " and then I woke up from the wierd dream . I checked my watch and realized that it was 9 already ! mom must have sent Sydney to wake me up after she arrived cause I was too late .I greeted Sydney, rushed into the bathroom, brushed my teeth in thirty seconds and hurried under the shower . Ooooh ! the water is too cold ! I thought as a chill ran down my spine . then I put on my clothes as fast as possible and packed my bag , and no it wasn't glowing. I gave a big sigh. my red bag was matching with my bright red new leather shoes . I was wearing a red phone holder a little far from my wrist and a long yellow jacket that had 3 golden buttons with a little short red t - shirt and yellow leggings . I was happy with what I was wearing because I looked really cool and a moment later I realized that I was wearing a combination of my lucky and unlucky colour except my hair. yes they were very dark black and were a little longer than my shoulders . They were a bit of wavy and very silky. they were too black . I had a light skin colour not too light but yes it was a little bright. I had black pupils which shone bright when the sun was shining. And Sydney had white hair that were short and a little longer than her ears . she had white cheeks and her skin was darker than them. she was wearing sporty light blue pants with a lightest shade of velvet green. we went outside and I noticed Sheila standing there with her polka dotted bag . she was wearing her white shirt with dark blue checks . she also had her red velvet jacket on and black jeans . she was wearing her red shoes and cap . she looked all ready to go somewhere inspite of she is usually asleep at this hour and also she isn't coming with us . I was wondering that if she was going for a sleepover at her friend's house because she was requesting mom about it last night. but when I asked mom about it , then she told me that it isn't that . she is also coming with us . And as soon as I heard that i was completely sure that our trip is ruined .

Chapter 2
The bus arrived . I carefully observed it and remembered my dream . " what are you thinking about " Sydney asked me observing my thinking face . I told her all about my dream . And I told her with every single detail about my dream whatever I remembered so that she could picture the exact place and the face that i was Describing to her . ' Wow ....... you have really wierd dreams. ' . She said giving me the look she gives when she is a bit surprised. ' I mean come on ! who doesn't ? ' we held our hands closed our eyes and waited for the bus door to open . you all will be thinking that ofcourse it isn't the man from my dream , it has to be someone else but ...... the door opened and it was the same man except for the blood dripping and flies surrounding him . we wanted to scream but we didn't . we got inside the bus sat down and remained silent for a lot of time . "Whoaaa " we said at the same time.