

The Silver Bullet: Chapter Four "I need Help"
It had rain for nearly five days non- stop.

The gully and local river banks were washed out.

All of the rain had triggered major flooding that caused massive destruction for all those living in the valley

The damage done to Carl's ranch and to the other ranches in the area was simply dreadful.

Barns on most of the ranches were either badly damaged or completely destroyed.

Some homes on some of the other ranches had been destroyed beyond repair.

Not to mention almost every rancher suffered major livestock casualties.

I knew after walking Mr. Weatherstein's property to access the damages with Dan Buck and the other cow hands.

It would have been totally inappropriate for me to leave to visit the local grave yard.

I knew my visit to the graveyard would have to wait.

My help would be needed on the ranch.

A lot of hard work was going to have to be done.

A lot of men were going to need some food to eat to keep them going.

The Arrival of Peter David

(Yelling with a loud voice)

"Carl, Carl don't act like you don't hear me. I need for you come out here and talk to me"

Mr. Weatherstein would take a his time before coming out to see Peter David

"Carl, I have been waiting out here for nearly twenty minutes. What the dab gum-it were you doing ? Keeping me waiting so long?"

" Carl ( looking a bit irritated at the tone of Peter's voice) I was putting my britches on and getting me some breakfast.
I should ask you ?
Why are you here ?
Don't you got enough work to keep you busy at your place?
You do know it's 6.30 in the morning?

"I know what time it is. I been sitting over by the stump since 4.30 am waiting for daylight.
So I could talk with you"

"Well Pete I'm here.
What the hell is itching you so bad? That you gotta disturb my breakfast?"

"Carl, you know I consider myself a proud man"
"Go on Pete tell me what you gotta tell me"

Almost on the verge of breaking down in tears. Peter took his handkerchief wiped his face.
Then took a breath to gather himself

"Carl, I need help I need help bad.
I done been to the bank.
They won't loan me anything.
Since I already got a second mortgage on the ranch.
I even ask George the bank manager to loan me some money.
To help me give Emily a decent funeral.
He wouldn't even do that for me.

Pete, I am very sorry.
We all have been so busy here.
Trying to figure out, what needs to be done.
That none of us here had time to check on anyone else.
Don't worry about Emily's funeral I'll take care of all the expenses.
You just make sure her "Home going" is fit for a Queen"

"Thanks Carl, I will find some way to pay you back"

"Pete, I am not going to charge you to put your
wife in the ground.
If I did.
Annabelle would never let me hear the end of it. Consider my favor for Emily as a gift"

"Thanks Carl, I won't forget this"

"Pete, just go home and take care of your family the work on your ranch can wait a few days.
I'll send Sam my cook over to your place in a couple of hours with some grub for you and your kids.
I will also make sure your cow hands got something to eat.
We can talk business and money later.
Just go home for now Pete"

Pete got back on his horse and rode back to his place

"Sam, I guess you heard all that"

"Sir, yes I did"

"Then stop looking at me like you want to kiss me.
Get your ass in the kitchen Sam.
You gotta a lotta work to do"

In the next couple of weeks and months to follow I would observe how Mr. Weatherstein would use the hurt and pain of other people to enrich himself.

I would learn quickly that Carl never does anything out of the goodness of his heart. Without expecting a lot more in return.