

Another day comes up
Another sunrise
Another hope
Another light
Another Galaxies
Another planet
Another dimension
Another spirituality
Another dawn
Another Tears
Another faith
Another family
Another greed
Another Breeding
Another world
Another Stain
Another smile
Another Frown
Another dream
Another Imagination
Another Sequence
Another wave of light
Another energy
Another music
Another feeling
Another soul
Another cry
But something never changes
Like the scars
We heal but the scars never ever go away, they always find a way to crawl inside our minds and make us feel the pains all over again
I am still holding on something i never had
My heart is bleeding
From how much i holds in there.
It hurts
Still your memories are something i cherish and i want to hold on to them
They are creeping up my lungs
Grumbling in my stomach
Taking up whole of my brain
Let's breathe pain today
© Zamsi