

you like lucy
james was in his room reading a book, when all of a sudden, someone burst through the door.

"james it's an emergency!" screamed emma, with a terrified face.

"what's the emergency" james asked, closing his book.

"it's lucy, I think she has a boyfriend" said emma, jumping on james bed.

"that's not an emergency, and please get off my bed" said james, getting up off his bed.

"where are you going?, did you not hear what I just said" said emma, looking at james walking to the door.

"I heard what you said emma, and I think that it's a good thing that lucy has a boyfriend, know will you excuse me, I need to go somewhere quiet" said james, walking out he's room and heading downstairs, leaving emma alone in his room.

"damn that guy" said emma angrily, emma know that james liked lucy.

"geez, the girl you like just got a boyfriend, at least react a little" said emma, getting off the bed and running downstairs.

where she's met by jame's mother, Katherine.

"if you're looking for james, he's in the garage" said Katherine, with a smile.

"thanks Katherine" said emma, running to the garage.

james was on sitting the ground, in the garage, reading his book.

james didn't like reading in loud places or crowded places, so he'd often find himself reading here.

"james! james! james! james!" emma shouted, coming into the garage.

"emma!" james shouted, anger in his voice.

"can't you just leave me alone for a few minutes" said james with frustration.

"no I can not" said emma, walking towards him and taking away his book.

"stop reading that book already!, the girl you like already has a boyfriend!" screamed emma, her cheeks getting red.

"what?" said james in confusion.

"you know, lucy" said emma, looking down at james.

"what are you talking about, I don't like lucy" said james, getting up and taking away his book back from her.

"what do you mean, of course you like lucy" said emma, shocked by his confession.

"and what made you think that" said james, looking at emma's shocked face.

"I saw you writing a love letter to her once" said emma.

"a friend of mine told me to write a love letter to lucy for him" said james, looking emma straight in the eye.

"so you don't like lucy?" said emma with red cheeks.

"no I do not" said james, walking towards her.

"but do you want to know who I do like" said james, his face a few inches away from emma's.

"yes" said emma, her cheeks flaming.

" well the person I like, so happen to be standing right in front of me" said james, planting a soft kiss on emma's lips.

"wha-wha-wha-what!" stammered emma, backing away from james and covering her mouth.

"you like me!" emma screamed, hiding her red face from James.

"I do, I really do"said james, with a smile on his face.

james walked up to emma and brought her face to his and gave her another soft kiss.

"oh james" emma whispered, breaking the kiss.

" I like you too"

the end

© gabbi