

This story is about the girl who was very poor , and was bullied in her school by her mischievous classmates and was ill treated by her teachers . Her name was Cindy .

Once when she was walking to her home , some girls gathered her and started beating her . She ran towards the school to complaint about the girls who beaten her. But just then , those girls came on her way , and again started to bully her . This time , Cindy was devastated. She screamed on them - "What you all want from !!!? And Raysel !!! what do you want from me !?? why are you doing this to me !??" Raysel teasingly said - "Awww poor Cindy ..... you are hurted , aren't you ? Listen , you know what !? nothing can stop me from bully you . There's just one CHALLENGE for you . If you completed it , then we will never bully you , and also we would owe you for your whole lifetime . What do you say 'POOR CINDY '!? Cindy said- "Tell me about the challenge . i can do it" . Raysel said - " The challenge , is that you have to DISSAPPEAR ME FROM THIS WORLD . We ofcourse know , that isn't possible . But we actually challenging you to make this happen . Are you gonna accept it " ?
Cindy hesitantly started thinking about it , but just then she confidently said - " CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!!! " And then she ran away from there . Everyone was in a shock , that how could she accept this impossible challenge .

The very next day , Cindy didn't went to school . She started thinking about the conversation between her and Reysel . And the challenge. Then she remembered that , there lived a sacred person in a cave in her village . She tried going there . The sacred person told her that - "IT IS POSSIBLE by some magic . But to achieve that magic , you need to bring the wild green leaves from the mountain , which is just behind my cave ." Cindy said - "I will do it to defeat that witch. " The sacred person said - "But it's not easy to do that , there will be many problems , which will come on your way . But to deal with them , I am giving you this stick . Keep holding this stick in your hand ." Cindy thanked the sacred person , and started her journey .

She was able to bring those wild green leaves . The sacred person told her to eat the green leaves to achieve the magic . Cindy ate them , and now she was able to disappear ANYONE in this planet . She went crazy , and was dishonest . She disappeared the sacred person from this world , so that her reality shouldn't come in front of the world .

The next week , she went to Reysel 's classroom. There was nobody sitting accept Reysel . She disappeared Raysel by spelling something in low voice. She gave Raysel a very painful death . And then disappeared her spirit . And after that day , nobody saw Raysel , the sacred man and Cindy . Cindy 's last words were - "CHALLENGE ACCEPTED ".


written by -
Jasmine Raghtate

Please note - From this story I am not enouraging you all to believe in such superstion . This was the friction based story .

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