

The thin line between Love and hate
I can give a million reasons why I would never fall in love again but all the heartbreaks I've encountered I wouldn't change a think about them. I mean it hurts but there just basic lessons of life. I mean you'll never forget your first love and all those happy moments. Moving on is going to be rough , rougher than how you think. I've been through it and I honestly thought we would be in love forever but he eventually took a next path to life . I cried and cried and cried because I thought I would never feel the same about any other person. Healing takes a very long process and honestly speaking when I think or even talk about it I seem to cry and I dont know why.
I cant know how he felt about it and I wont ever know or if I ever pop up in his head at times .
I guess some things arent suppose to be questioned.
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