

That day (1)
"Nobody reads road signs these days'' Khida said while flipping her hair intentionally just to spike me, as her hair stayed stuck to my face, especially my lips which had some lip gloss,
I rolled my eyes and sighed heavily, " I don't want to be here"I thought, not here with these wild party animals, I just wanted to stay home and try to get some sleep but I know that's just a lie my brain was feeding me with, I know I will probably end up not sleeping due to the Nightmares I have in past couples of days. I had to use a concealer to hide the dark circles under my eyes, speaking of Nightmares, wait, did I miss something, I held on to my chest as Jada swerved the car to the other side, I could already feel the bile clutching my throat and it felt like there are multiples of ant biting my throat, a feeling that hate yet know so well, Yeah, I know that feeling I'm so gonna puke.
"STOPPPP you demons' ' I yelled while hitting Khuda persistently, each punch stronger than the last.
"What the heck Jay, I'm so gonna kill you"Khida yelled as she rubs my back while giving Jada a look of disapproval.
" I swear I will kill that twerp, she added whispering but in a rude manner.
"I can hear yo-
"So?"She scoffed, cutting him off." Just stop the car behind that tree, you idiot".
Jada grumbled only earning a snicker from Mika, I do want to roll my eyes but now all I could think about is how my stomach churned as they fought.

to be.....................