

The toughest murder case chapter1
It was a dark night. The darkness expanding the huge sky was marking hap of some kind. The decent breeze however enshrouded the thing. People were not aware of it , in the same way Mr. Acquire was also not aware of the escapade that was going to happen. “The Chicken soup was sapid “ said Mr. Acquire before he poked his cigar in his mouth. He was retired from the army , at that time when he used to work in the army , he was a great fighter. “ The rats have increased in our kitchen “ said Mrs. Acquire . Mr. Acquire got up to do something ,when a bullet shot him and he fell to the ground with a slight holler. Mrs. Acquire brisked out of the kitchen to know what happened , when she was shot dead. The couple lay dead on the floor.
I lived in my small apartment all alone , I wrote books to earn money and that day I was writing a new novel . I was a detective too , I had solved 13 cases and I didn’t knew that another case is going to come. I kept thinking what to start with when suddenly my cell phone that was on the table I was writing, rang . I saw the name it showed , ‘Mr.Cotwell ‘ the officer. The guy recently joined the job , I picked up the call and answered “ Hello , Mr. Grod here” that was my name . “Hello “ came a sibilate voice . “Mr. Grod, there is a murder in here in the second Park road 34 , Please come we are waiting “ . I declined the call and got up from my chair, Took my coat and digged my cigar in my pocket and departed. The cold outside increased a bit , while I kept moving on with my hands dugged in my pockets . When I reached the place , there had gathered a lot of crowd. “Oh, Come Mr. Grod “ said Mr.Cotwell as he noticed me looking at them. “Our station is quite far away, about 1 hour journey and there was no case for us , so getting the news I hied and arrived here” Said Mr. Cotwell Laughing as he showed the way to the house where the murder took place . I went inside a house , inside was formed a panel of people investigating the marks. My eyes first fell on the sofa , a small hole of probably a bullet was there . “It is a quite difficult one “ Said one of the men . I was least interested to talk to them and get into their discussion. I myself started Investigating. There was a huge vast glass window shade beside a comfy sofa . No bullet holes where there, and this ensured me that the person who did this murder was inside the house as their was no other window other than this. “Mr. Grod, have found any clue ?” asked the officer looking at the men who were still murmuring something. “No, but I hope I soon will find one “I answered poking the cigar I brought into my mouth and blowing off a huge cloud of smoke. Mr. Cotwell grinned at me and left leaving the door wide open . I stepped into the kitchen and no sooner a rat jumped out of nowhere and went running out of the kitchen. The kitchen had no clue except a a black metal piece of something. I reached for my gloves that I took while entering the house, and wore it. I picked up the piece and examined it. The piece was of a R45 pistol, with emblemed EROT, a name of a company . I placed inside a packet and slided it in my pocket, I wanted to examine it properly. When I came out of the kitchen the men that circled to investigate something were gone. The place they were standing was filled of cigarette ashes.

I had a last look at the house in hope of getting some clue , but my eyes didn’t find it. I went out of the door where many policemen have gathered. “I think there is some clue and I should find it soon as possible” I said to Mr. Cotwell . The guy looked at me suspiciously and said, “Take your time “. After saying this he disappeared inside the house. I left the place and headed to my home, still blowing of the cigar. I picked out my cell phone in my pocket and had a glance at the time; it was 11 past 20 minutes. The cold escalated more, the soaring clouds had dissipated the Moon. This made the night darker. Not a single soul was on the road from where I was walking to my home. When I reached home I was shocked to see a person covered with a shawl from his nose to his knee stood there looking at me. I was a bit dumbfounded and scared thinking who it could be. Was he or she, whoever who stood there is there to shoot me or kill me? I touched my small pistol which I always carried with me, ready to shoot and Save me. “Hi, there” Said the guy. With the noise I understood that it was Mr. Sockey a friend of the Mr. Acquire who was murdered today. I allowed him inside and helped him with some hot cup of tea. He cried a bit as he had the first sip of the tea and said “I can help you in the murder case “. I was not shocked, I was sure that he was surely informed about it. “My friend, Mr. Acquire said that he sensed that someone who knows him would kill him soon, However I didn’t show interest in that and said that it was just a imagination of Mr. Acquire, but who knew it was going to happen soon.” Said Mr.Sockey before another tear welled down his cheek. “How did he know about it?” I asked as I had a sip of the tea. “When one night he was returning from a party with his wife a bullet that was shot missed him from an inch, they anyhow reached home and from that day he became worried” Said Mr. Acquirer’s friend . With this the guy looked at his wrist watch, the hour hand striked 12 midnight. Mr. Sockey stood up finishing the tea and departed off waving at me. I Sat down on my chair and noted down all my notes that were:

 A bullet hole at the sofa that meant that the murderer missed a shot
 Mr. Acquirer’s dead body was found 2 miles away from the sofa that meant he got up to tell his wife about the bullet that was suddenly shot at the sofa and the murderer didn’t missed the chance and shot
 Ramu the worker there arrived as soon as he got the news of Mr.Acquire’s death but said that he got the news from the police and the police were claiming they came after knowing the news from Ramu. ( this sounded mysterious)

I kept thinking about the case before I felt sleepy. I went to bed a dozed off as I needed to wake up early tomorrow it was the investigation day.

© mayukh2009