

Mystry Of AHuanted House Chapter 2
When the owner came to village and when he heard about everything he decided to sell the hoise but he was condused and he started thinking about selling this house but he didn't get any buyer, he told to panchayat that he will sell this house.

On the next day owner called a broker to sell this house broker told that at this time no one will buy this house but he said that he will try. At that same evening broker called to owner and said that he got the buyer at night 9:00pm he has fixed the meeting with the buyer and he is intefested in buying the house but he has kept a condition, when the owner asked about the condition but the broker refused to tell the owner about the condition at night when he reached the venue he saw the broker and the buyer when he saw everyone he started meeting and he finalized the deal.

After completing this deal when he reached to village panchayat was sitting there they asked to the house owner and the owner told them that he has sold the house. Hearing this panchayat was shocked and also they were very happy. Next morning when the broker called to owner and said that the buyer wants to complete the process immediately. Hearing this owner immediately he got ready and he went to the muincioal office. Meanwhile in village mahesh the villager was passing near the house he heard some noise from the house he got scared he immediately ran from there and he came to the end of the village.
Next Episode Coming soon.................
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