

Reincarnation Chapter 6
I ended up walking with my brother all the way to the hall.

Standing outside, I could only gaze at how elegant it looks like.

"Let's go." He said as I nodded, still holding onto his hand as I meekly walked behind him.

Acting like a little child as if my mentality was one, the doors swung open as the servants announce his arrival.

Completely forgetting about my existence which I wouldn't mind but my brother glared viciously at them because of that.

"Ah Yang Jian you are back." My father greeted out happily as my brother bowed slightly to pay his respects and so did I, but I was completely blocked by his back.

Only the people who are at the sides could see me as they stared at me with shock and disgust.

"Yang Jian… I heard you told Li'er to leave your room for a servant girl." A sultry sounding voice spoke up as I turned to see a the stepmother.

As expected, she had a sharp pointy chin along with a pair of cat eyes. She was soothing the FL as she was shedding some crocodile tears.

"Servant girl…?" My brother repeated the word with a dark aura. "She's my sister." He states, glaring at the both of them.

"Y-you, still lying!?" She exclaimed out, outraged by the fact that my brother glared at her.

"Enough. Yang Jian, how's your studies?" My father stopped the fight and asked him with a smile.

"Mn, it went well…" He replied back distantly, "I see…" My father replied back awkwardly, not knowing what to respond to his statement.

"May I speak to Yang Jian about that previous issue?" The stepmother asked with a polite smile, breaking the previous awkward atmosphere.

This time, my father frowned slightly but still nodded his head in slight defeat.

"Yang Jian… Maybe you love the servant and all but you should focus on Li'er and take her in as your legal wife… Than we shall forget about that maid." She spoke with a gentle smile.

My brother tensed up over her threat laced words as he said nothing.

Feeling bored, I tugged onto my brothers sleeve to get his attention as he turned around to attend to me.

"I-I'm bored brother…" I murmur out looking down like a sad child as his facial expression soften.

"It's alright, it'll be over really soon. Don't you wanna see father anyways?" He said.

"Mn." I nodded with a bright smile, "T-that's the girl!" FL suddenly screeched out but realised that she was in front of others as she quickly composed herself.

Yang Jian reacted to her screech and quickly hid me behind him.

"I mean… That was the servant girl." She pointed out shakily.

"Step out servant." My stepmother commanded with a stern voice.

I didn't budge at her statement, but I ended up burrowing my back into my brothers clothes like a kid caught doing something wrong.

"Gege, did I do something wrong?" I asked out sadly into his back as he stiffened up, "Definitely not. It's all their fault, don't worry." He responded calmly and loudly for the duo to hear.

"Step.Out. Or we'll punish you harsher than normal." My stepmother warned, not liking how my brother threatened her because of a 'lowly' maid.

~Host her favourability towards you is -20~

I slowly stepped out from behind my brother, my hands still gripping onto his shirt as the FL glared at my hand touching his shirt.

I clung onto his arms in 'fear' as I stare at her pitifully, "U-uhm… Xiang Ting greets Madam Jin." I bowed slightly.

Being the legal daughter status shows that I didn't really need to bow to the concubine unless told by my parents too or she had birthed a boy which she didn't.

"Preposterous!" She exclaimed, smacking against the armchair angrily.

~Why though?~

~U-u-uhhh…~ He stutter out uncontrollably.

I changed my posture and aura slightly provoking her slightly, "So? I don't need to greet you fully." I said with a smirk.

"You lowly serva-!" She was cut off by my father's fury.


A loud clap resounded the hall as everybody froze at their spot, "Don't talk bad about Ting'er." My father glared harshly at her.

"W-what husband but it is just a lowly servant…" She stutter out in fear.

The red print on her cheek darkened slightly over time as her cheek became a sark shade of purple.

"M-mother, apply this medicine on your face to quell the swelling." Her daughter exclaimed frantically, applying it onto her mother's face.

"She's not just a 'lowly servant'…" My father trailed off softly, staring at me with profound guilt that struck into my soul… Well the previous owner's soul.

"Ting'er come here." He called out endearingly.

"N-not a lowly servant…?" She murmur out shakily, "My lord she's an evil witch! She bewitched you as well as you Yang Jian!" She exclaimed out all of the sudden.

"ENOUGH! She's my daughter." My father state as they quietened down.

Seemingly as if they had remembered who I was, they went pale.

I mean it was understandable if the mother doesn't remember but that bitch was bullying me earlier on…

"Gege…" I murmur softly as I clung onto his arm tighter, feeling slight comfort in doing this I went into his embrace and peeked through his arms occasionally and curiously staring at my father.

"Ting'er…?" He called out cautiously, "Who's that Gege?" I asked out, "That's father." He pointed out with his lips pursed.

"Don't frown brother." I pouted, using my hand to mold his mouth to a smile. Giggling at how funny it is as his expression soften up, giving me a small upturned smile as I froze.

"Gege you should smile more often." I asked, smiling brightly at him.

"Mn, only around you." He said, giving me a headpat.

"By the way… What's a father?" I asked aloud, "It's nothing, you just need to know brother is your family." He replied back  curtly.

"Okay~" I giggle in response, "W-wait what do you mean? A father is part of your family as well! We're family." My father exclaim out shakily and sulkily as he felt slightly left out.

"Is that true brother? A father is part of family?" I asked, "Ye-" My father tried responding but my brother cut in quickly, "Brother is enough right?" He asked with a slight childish pout.

"Mn! Mn! Brother is cute!" I exclaimed nodding happily.

"We're leaving." My brother brought me behind him again as he spoke coldly, the words that he spoke vibrated as I giggle softly at how ticklish it feels.

Not waiting for an answer, he led me outside as I heard my father calling him to come back with me.

"Don't call a man cute." He poked my cheeks slightly with a slight frown,

"Brother? Didn't you go to school?" I asked as we were walking back.

"Yes. Why?" He asked with a gentle tone. "Are you going to leave me alone to go to school? Can you bring me along?" I asked pitifully.

"U-uh… I'll check with my master first…" He trailed off, averting his eyes away from me as he frantically walked off.
© Naruko