

Trust Goes Worst
stop where you are..
you're crying of being misused?
you're trust just got broken away?
you're now in a extreme anger?
you're going hate yourself?
stop where you are..
just go blame yourself
in the front of mirror
ask a simple question
to yourself
"how can you trust a person blindly",
stop where you are..
your answer to the question will make sense.
don't go blame the person who misused you.
everyone has a situation to break someone's trust.
throw of your anger,
throw of your frustration,
throw of your intentions towards them,
turn back to normal and walk forward.
even if you can't accept the mistake and change,
then how can you expect others to do
trusting others is just a small part in life which can ruin everything in a second.

sc: even if you got cheated blame yourself that you are trusting someone.

© san