


Mirai girl, who loves basketball, everything is different when she met him, and will she be able to fight for her dream?



Hi, I'm Mirai, a high school girl. I'm a tomboy and I'm crazy about basketball. I love playing basketball and I've even taken lessons for basketball tournaments. My family, friends, and teachers all know about my passion for basketball. They don't mind because I'm also good at studying.

But when I entered high school, I started taking basketball more seriously because I heard that the women's basketball team was looking for new members. I saw this as my chance to pursue my dream. However, I realized that I still struggle with playing the game and it makes me sad. The entrance test for the team will be like a basketball competition. The candidates have to beat the seniors in order to join the girls' team. In my class, I'm the only one interested in playing basketball, which makes everything more difficult.

Then, I met other girls who were just like me, passionate about basketball and incredibly talented. This made me feel even more inadequate and depressed.

But one day, everything changed. Whenever something brings me down, I usually visit a place in the city near the abandoned basketball stadium. I used to sit there, but on that day, I saw a hot and handsome guy playing soccer. He was incredibly skilled and his talent amazed me. Wait a minute, I know this guy!

It's Aron Senpai, the notorious school gangster. He's a thug and even the teachers are afraid of him. He's good at studying, but his attitude is worse than anything. The girls in my class are even fans of him. But now, I have to use his talent to learn basketball. Oh my god, how am I going to do this?"

Then the next day, I started secretly following him everywhere, especially when he was playing basketball. I tried to copy his moves and skills and started practicing in secret. He would only appear in the abandoned courtyard one day, and I would train on the other days. That boy was everyone's nightmare, but for me, he was my coach.

Weeks passed, and I still had a month left in the tournament. But one day, something terrible happened. Senpai came to my class, and everyone was terrified. Then he stood in front of me and said, "You, come with me." I was frozen with fear. God, I had been exposed. He had discovered everything. Everyone stared at me as if I were some kind of criminal. I quietly followed him and his friends, my heart about to explode.

We arrived at our destination, and he asked me, "Why are you following us?" Just as I expected, I was exposed. "Who... who followed you?" I stammered, pointing at Aron Senpai. Everyone, including him, froze. Their mouths dropped open. But it only lasted a few seconds before everyone started laughing at Aron Senpai. He was angry.

Then Aron Senpai dragged me into a corner. This was my only chance. I explained everything to him. And then he said a big NO! and left me alone. In the days that followed, I began to harass him even more and cause him trouble. But this time, I didn't keep it a secret. Even his friends started teasing him and calling me his crazy, creepy stalker girlfriend.

The days have passed, but he has not changed. So my soft policy didn't work. So I decided to find something to make him coach me. But how? He's a big gangster and he wasn't afraid of anything. How to find his weakness? Should I blackmail him? It's dangerous, I know, but what should I do? I don't have much time anymore.

Then one day, God help me, because I stopped harassing him. I stopped chasing him and started studying myself in my usual place. I still barely practice his moves that I learned.

Then one day, during my practice time, some punks came to the court. They started harassing me. I lost patience and hit the leader of the punk gang.

Oh my God, why am I so unlucky? Now they were all mad. They rushed at me. Suddenly, they stopped. They looked behind me, looked like they were scared, and ran away. What the heck? I looked back and saw it. It's him, Aron Senpai. He approached me. Then I stopped bothering him and started to focus on my workout.

But... he kept staring at me silently. Then I lost my patience and asked him, "What do you want, Senpai? Well, have you stopped stalking me?" Instead of answering, he asked, "What about him?" I thought. "Yes!" I answered him calmly. "So let's start your training now!" He answered me. "Alright, well... what is it?" I was shocked and looked at him doubtfully. "From today, I am your temporary coach." Then he ignored me and gave me a lot of instructions about basketball. "Did I hold my hands? Am I dreaming? No, right?"

"Then, just days of training, the punk Senpai and I started getting closer. As a coach, he was very hard on me. I started to improve quickly. My dream day had finally arrived."

The exam has started. Everything we have to do is beat our senior women's team. So choose the best of us. Everyone sat down in the gallery. Evan, my punk senpai, was there with all the girls' eyes on him. It made me jealous, but why should I be jealous? I don't know!

Then the game started. We played very well. Well, our elders are devils, they say. But I can't lose this game. So I focused on beating them. I just looked at him, and he smiled at me this time. I don't know, suddenly my heart rate went up again. "Shit, Mirai, this is not the right time," I thought. After a few hours, we ended up tying with the seniors. But that's bad. So we planned how we could beat them.

For more spirit, I just looked at him again. The confidence and belief in myself, I can find it when I need it from him. He waved his hands. Then I decided, "No matter what, I will never gonna lose!"

The game started again. I managed to block them and scored with my punk senpai moves. Then suddenly, we reached the last opportunity. It's the final game, and I managed to block my eldest and scored a goal. The gallery was filled with cheers... Finally, we won!

Everyone congratulated us, and they also selected me and several teammates. I was so happy... I ran to him. I didn't see or hear anything. I just wanted to reach him as soon as possible. Then I saw him and rushed to him. Suddenly, I jumped into his arms and kissed him on the cheek in front of the audience. The girls and boys in my school were shocked.

# But surprisingly, he didn't. He was expecting it from the start. He smiled at me and whispered mischievously in my ear, "From today, I am your personal trainer!"

# Those words made me blush. I looked into his eyes and said, "Okay..." That day, I had two things: basketball and my lover, the person I cared about for my whole life. That's how my love story began.

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