


She ignored the pains , I guess she was ignorant or maybe she saw nothing serious in it. To her it will die down just the same way it came.

Her assumptions were wrong as it became more severe with bloody discharge from the her nipple. An introvert was she and never confided in anyone on the pain she was going through not even her boyfriend whose bond she claim they had was out of this world.

"Why does my nipple hurt so badly?" Maria would only ask the person facing her whenever she stares at the mirror naked in her bathroom.

As time went on , she noticed a lump whenever she fondled her breast . It was at this point she became curious and decided the browse the cause on Google.

The diagnosis she saw terrified her. But just like doubting thomas she refused to believe it and decided to visit a doctor.

The doctor confirmed it , she had been diagnosed of "BREAST CANCER" and the painful part was that it wasn't identified on time . The infection had passed it's early stage.

Tears rolled down her cheek . She couldn't imagine her breast been cut off . Had she know she would have voiced out long ago and the infection wouldn't have escalated to this.

All the doctors soothing and encouraging words all fell on deaf ears as her head were full with stories of cancer patients losing their life..Her case wouldn't be different she was doomed to die.

At that moment she was alive but dead.Depression, sadness crept into her life. The thought of committing sucide reared its head.

Thank God for her family, friends especially her boyfriend who stood by her.

They cared and showed her love like never before . She began to see more reasons to live.

She went for surgery and her left breast was cut off.

Every month she goes for her medical check up and takes her drugs frequently..Now Maria is living her normal life.

Pink Ribbon is an awareness on BREAST CANCER mostly in the month of October. Individuals and organization put on pink clothes to enlighten not only women but men on BREAST CANCER.

Cancer is not a death sentence..There are many "marias " out there . They need our support and encouragement. We should never hesitate to help

Join the movement today!!

©Eze writes

Nwafor Collins Chibueze
Tuesday 3rd may 2022

© Ezewrites