

Dreams for Tomorrow

AUTHOR:- Uwanukwa Isidore Chinaemelum Johnberchmans
GENRE:- Article

It is common to hear elderly and experienced people say to the young " in order to succeed you must dream". Much literature has equally been written on dreaming as a means of becoming, dreamers see potential in ideas and work towards their realisation. It is quite nice, sounding beautiful to the ears and very inspirational to hear these words. One is spurred into action and encouraged to work hard.
Dreaming breeds hope and encourages self-worth and pushes people towards the realisation of their life time goals. It is said that "where there is hope , there is life".
Dreaming is beautiful but it must be accompanied by works for it to be realised. It should be noted that the attitude one adopts towards dream could make dreaming to be perceived negatively or in a positive manner. When one only dreams without working to achieve them, dreams are seen as negative because they all remain at the dreaming stage.
On the other hand, when one dreams in life and does a concerted efforts to realise it, dreaming is viewed from a positive end. Imagine that a student dreams of becoming a great entreprenuer and for years is only talking about it and never gets to do any studies for capacity building or does not go close to other enterprenuers for orientation or does not seek advice from experts in the field, it remains a dream. But when this thought is accompanied by great studies, capacity building serminars and meeting experts for directions, then dreaming is seen from the positive direction and will be for tomorrows realisation.
Conclusively, it is natural and good to dream big. We all dream and hope to realize our dreams in life so as to have a fruitful life. The main reason to want to see one's dream come true is to live a happy life. Failure as a results of little or no efforts to its realisation brings distress. If we must live happily, we must work towards the realisation of our life dreams.
© Son of Calasanz