

Adrinette 7
Adrienne:Kiana? ....
Kiana:I know I know my name is weird(laughs)
Adrienne:No no it's cute it's just I've never heard of that name before
Kiana:It's a rare name.So what are you drawing?
Adrienne:Just my favorite store
Kiana:That's cool.Hey wanna come to my house this afternoon?
Adrienne: Actually....I can't cause well ,am going to my friend's house .My mum won't be around and he's my best friend
Kiana:So can I come to his house?
Adrienne:It's not my house so I don't know
Adrienne:Don't worry,I'll ask him .Gimme your number
Kiana:Sure(collects Adrienne's phone and dials in her number)Here!
Adrienne:Will be sure to ring you up

Adrienne:There goes the bell(packs up her books and puts them in her bag)
Kiana:Bye Adrienne.
Adrienne:Bye (leaves class and goes to meet Max )Hey Max
Max:what's up
Adrienne:Nothing much.Its just um..this girl Kiana well shes my new friend she wants to come over to ur house so we can do our um...research yh research
Max:Ill have to ask mum first
Adrienne:Yes that's true let's go

Max:Hey mum,we're back
Adrienne:Hi Aunt Alya
Alya:Hi kids.So how was your first day of school? Friends?
Max:Well mum school was fine and I did make friends Jake,Ashton, Kutcher and Mila
Alya:That's nice .You made so many friends.What about you Adrienne?
Adrienne:Well I did make a new friend.Her name is Kiana
Alya:Wait! do you mean Kiana Chang?
Adrienne:I don't know her surname but she wants to come over
Alya:That's I and your mum's rival when we were in high school's daughter .Chloe! and I won't let her hang around you so you better stop talking to her am sure she is a bad influence
Adrienne: But she not I swear
Alya:I don't wanna hear it and shes not coming anywhere this house .If your mum and dad should hear about this they will totally kill you
Adrienne:But Aunt Alya .....
Alya:(cuts in)no buts .Now go to your room and change when your done come down for your lunch
Adrienne and Max:(go to their rooms when they are done Max knocks on Adrienne's door)
Adrienne: Come in
Max:(sits on bed) what's up
Adrienne:It's your mum.The only friend I made and she feels like she is just like this Chloe woman
Max:Look I know it's a bummer,but she knows what's best for us .She's protecting you
Adrienne:But shes not my mum that will tell me what to do .
Max :How could you say that(Max says angrily and leaves the room)
Adrienne:Max wait!!(She tries to go after him)

Hey guys .I know y'all have been waiting but I have finally released the next part.Theres a lot of tension I know but you have to deal with it(lol)don't be to keen on the next part.Just be patient.shoutouts to @anaawrites. Next part will be released tomorrow.Loves and kisses