

'Love can just be magic. But sometimes magic can just be an illusion."

Some things aren't meant to be.

Some things are built up to be destroyed destructively.

I knew from the very long start, this LOVE would consume me to the inner recesses; it would stab me in the back and tear me into two halves; it would belittle my very cause of existence; it will make me feel insecure and sucidial; it would alter the very thing that made me, Me.

But still, I had unfathomable faith in his bogus words, mock-up love and twinkling eyes. I assure you, you would too, believe whatever he says-it seemed so pure, as the berries of lord's garden itself.

His hazelnut shade eyes were just the pearls of Minerva's exquisite necklace. His smile- it was the thing that would even melt the hardest, so sweet, so innocent-I used to forget all he did when he gave me that devilish smile of his.

The way he walked was so irresistible, not in movements only, but the respect and pride with which he ordered his calf's to contract and pick up his legs; how his triceps contacted and biceps relaxed simultaneously in synchronisation left me aghast all the time.

My dreams were full of his presence. I saw him crossing the bedroom corner and dressing up for his work; then I remember him coming to me and kissing me goodbye. I clearly remember his words 'I love you dear'- it's been a long time since he spoke these words.

Everything that was his, was mine- his conspicuous love, his questionable grin, his anonymous touch and his dark heart.🖤

I never let my brain reason- my all actions were taken straight from my heart. But after all that I did for him, he said I wasn't the one who could LOVE anyone. He said:

"I don't care if you live or die. I just want you to be gone. I hate you!!!"

How did this even happened?

The person who used to say me 'love you' a million times before we said goodbye hated me now. My presence made him uneasy and uncomfortable.

I begged him for staying. I could do anything- He was my life and whatever he said didn't mattered because I knew deep in my heart 'even if he didn't loved me, I love him with all the strength I have, all the happiness I have.'

Tears flowed from my eyes, but I was just an another device he had to break to the dust. He had finalized his decision.

He went.

All the promises were just illusions.
He was an illusionistic- who tricked me into darkness so deep it's impossible to escape it. He stole my soul and sold it to the devil- all I think, all I say, all I do is a living hell.

A demon cloaked in angels outfit, he broke my spine into pieces, crushed my bones, soaked my heart with black coal, drained my blood and destroyed me.

I am now, what he made me.
An illusion, a spirit who exists but doesn't; a body which is earthly but couldn't feel; a smile fully visible but a hoax from every angle. Love changed me, it broke me. Life isn't fairytale- love isn't real.

Look at me now, you will see nothing.
Believe me, not the mirage.

© Raymn