

It was raining on that day when a boy named Alan was born on this Earth. He was too weak when he was born so he was on treatment for a long period of two months.

His father was a sailor in merchant navy and his mother was a Employee in a company but Alan never seen them alive because he was considered a bad luck for his family as when his mother his mother was just about to give the birth to him, his father rushed to start the car and his sister was four years old that time, so they took her too to the hospital and they rushed toward the hospital. But for the shortcut, Vikas Joel(Alan’s father), took the path foot side the city , which was a deserted place and it was 2 at night, everything is going well , but suddenly a dog came in front of their car and just to save that, their car hit on the tree and in which his father and sister were died on the spot and his mother got some serious injuries and after that some common people took his mother to the hospital. After the six hour long operation, the doctor declared that his mom was died but Alan was safe. After that his relatives got that news. Everyone got scared to take his custody as they thought that it must be a cursed child and he would definitely going to destroy their houses too.

So, his father's friend Mr. Morgan had taken his custody. But Mrs. Morgan was not happy with his decision because she was also thinking about the same. Till Alan was one year old, she used to scare by him, so she did not behave better with him in his early age as she thought that she was like a wall in their family. But Mr. Morgan used to love him, more than himself too. Sometimes Mr. Morgan used to drop him to school too.

So at the age of six years, Alan also considered himself as a cursed child. His story of cursed child was also spread in his school too, so as the result of which Alan has no friends, even no one wants to sit near him too. Alan used to come to school by his bicycle as no driver was ready to drop him to school, even by their own car. So he used to spend time alone with a tree in the backyard of the house.

Later on, as the time away and then Alan was 10 years old, so he noticed that because of business Mr. Morgan also not able to spend time with him and now he just to live in peer pressure, and after that just in a year Mr. Morgan changed completely and once, Alan was playing and he hit a ball on his leg by mistake, and as a result he punished him not to enter in the house for a day. Alan had no friend and known in his life, so he made a friend, a road side dog named Tony. Then, they both were happy with their life. Everthing was going well, Tony used to wait for him on the street just to play with him.

But when Alan turned twenty, suddenly one day Tony leave this world and then again for the another time, this world turned to Hell for Alan. After two years when Alan was in his masters, a new person came to his life named Ava. Then a new life had been started for Alan. They both were happy with each other, sometimes many people forced her to left Alan as he was a cursed child but she refuses. And a heaven life had started for Alan, after completing their masters, Mr. Morgan handover his one company to Alan and Mrs. Morgan expelled him from the house two factories to his son just because of Mrs. Morgan and Ava started working in an IT Company. After four years when they both were settled in their field, they got married.

Then at the time, when Alan turned 34, Mr. Morgan was died and later just in a year Mrs. Morgan also left this world. Alan felt too sad for some days but later on everything was fine and he came back to his daily routine again. After two years, they had a baby girl. Then, at the age when Alan turned 53, Ava took divorce from Alan and also took the custody of their daughter. Alan love them both even more than his own life too. So he gave all his property to them in the court and left silently. Ava wanted to say good bye to him for the last time with their daughter, but he never seen again to anyone.