

The Linnard. Prolouge.
"No! No! No! Still not enough!"

I push away the table in front of me causing all the foods to be on the floor. It's fine, they're not tasty enough.

I tried my best to remember every single step, every single ingredient that my mother taught me. I tried to recall all the schemes she did to make it the best stew in the country. How did it turn out like this?


I raised my head to see who just talked. Who the hell got the courage to come at my kitchen?!

"Who are you?!"

"Do you even know that this place is exclusive?"

"Why are you here?"

"Please get out of my kitchen!"

She looked so scared when she runaway like a scaredy cat. Serves her right.

I suddenly felt a pat on my back. A memory. I can't help but to smile. How can a memory like that look so beautiful to me? If it wasn't about that time, I'll never meet her amd maybe, I'm still miserable. She's the one who changed me. She's the one who entered my life like a burglar.

"It's time."

I bit my lip as I walked out of the house with my brother.

"She's a linnard."

I whispered. My brother looked at me confusely. I just smiled and leave him behind.

She's a linnard who ate so slow and finished last. She's a linnard who got punished and became my slave. She's a linnard who came first in my life and became the last person to love me.