

Hells Bite- The Core of F.E.A.R
The Big Move
Emily and Jason Hardcastle are very excited about changing their lives, and it is all beginning
with a big move, a move that would change their lives forever. Emily is a Finance Attorney that
restores old houses and buildings and Jason is an Architect that will be able to start his own
Architect company, by moving from New York to Kofa Arizona he will finally have his dreams for himself and family come true, and since Emily works from home in her field it was the perfect time for the move. The children of course did not want to move leaving their home, their school and their friends, but they understood that this decision would change all of their lives for the better. Loren a head strong fearless 16-year-old, Adam a 12-year-old that is very spirited and full of wonder, and of course the youngest is Katie who is 10 years old outgoing, creative with a mountain of curiosity to boot. The move to Kofa, Arizona is much different from the city, but it is exactly what we need a quiet quaint town away from the mundane congestion of the city. The house was searched for on the internet and bought, Emily fell in love she was going on and on to Jason, “it’s a beautiful home as far as pictures go”. On arrival to their desert oasis unknown by them the house and the land held secret pockets of daunting despair of unsolved mysterious deaths over the years, the family had no clue of what awaited them and had been waiting for a long, long time for unsuspecting strangers to embrace and fill them with suffering EVIL! The family arrives at their new home and was amazed at the garden landscape Emily sighs and says, “Oh My God” Jason this reminds me of a lotus creek garden with the tall oaks and hickory trees that shades the garden, which is located by the creek, the garden has such delightful smells that dance through the summer breeze, the sounds of birds singing whispering songs through the trees that bring her to awe, such a wonderful mix of fragrances that have been brought to life by the sounds of nature. The house was what they least expected, old and rickety, gloomy, out of place and dispositioned it was a house that had a sight of impending destruction that contours into crimson dismay, but Emily giggled and said; “this is what we bought good thing you’re an excellent Architect honey, punching Jason in the arm. The house stood unrealistically dormant and abandoned opposed to the vibrantly beautiful garden encasing it, the light from the sun seeps towards the grimy windows it felt as though the house was watching us through blood stained eyes, chills begin to weld up in Emily ripping through to her insides claiming any and all innocence she had ever known. The house was a dark sinister color; as we stepped onto the old rickety porch the boards let out a frightening moan… we proceeded inside to see cobbwebs and gloomy dark shadows that seemed like lost souls at play and in shock from our intrusion. We began unpacking and settling in our new house began feeling homey and the walls throughout our home had new life from the fresh paint and redecorating she sighed, “it’s a wonder that this is the same place we saw months ago.The kids start school on Monday they are nervous, but excited of the new journey we are taking together and it feels as though things couldn’t be better! Loren begins school at Kofa High School where she is quickly be-friended by a dark eyed boy with bronze skin, full head of dark wavy locks that only enhanced his deep paralyzing stare, he introduced himself as Jared Grimes, a veil of the spirit realm; naturally I shake his hand with a slight giggle presenting myself… I am Loren Hardcastle it is very nice to meet you! Jared was a very handsome, but also an odd ball of sorts in a interestingly peculiar way with an IQ of 180 to say the least. Finally! A miserable first day of school was coming to an end and all I thought of was New York and all my friends how I
missed the busy shuffle and the smell of food traveling around the city.
While walking home Loren decided to do some exploring, she discovered a small passage way
which looked like a short cut as she walked down the path reaching the cemetery of broken
headstones and thick gloomy fog settled in as if it were following her, and a stiffness filled the
air… The closer she came to reaching the end of the cemetery the further it seemed and
behind her she could hear a wailing sound in the mist of the fog, as she walked faster looking
back there floated a dork shadowy figure, another, and yet still two more appeared just starring at her as their wailing fell in synch becoming louder and louder. The ground began to shake Loren began to run and run non-stop, but the more she ran the closer the shadows became darting frantically back and forth, the ground literally was ripping apart beneath her she saw the back door and dived towards it, noticing that the land was receding backwards from the house.
She flew through the door slamming it shut and locking it behind her, Emily ran from the
kitchen grabbing Loren; “What is going on she demanded”, Loren was trembling trying to tell her mother the event that occurred! Calming her daughter down she peered through the
window and saw four dark shadowy figures with crimson blood eyes glaring at her into her soul, she screams as the shadowy figures dart back and forth inching closer and closer. Jason had finished work early and was on his way home when he heard a loud buzzing sound that sounded like thousands of bees swarming above his truck following him, he drove faster,
but the faster he drove the closer and the louder the buzzing became, consuming his thoughts.
Jason stopped the truck and got out looking every which way for the horrid sound picking away at his sanity, but there was nothing at all as he fell to his knees grabbing his head screaming finally the noise started subsiding… taking deep breaths getting back into his truck he noticed
his hands were bloody with clumps of oily residue- looking in the mirror; “What the HELL”! He was bleeding blood clots that looked like orangish gooey slime running down the sides of his face. Loren and her mom race frantically to lock the doors and windows taking the younger children and heading to the living room couch bundled together, as the doors and windows
begin to shake fiercely for what seemed to be hours the sounds of wailing as objects around
them and the house crash to the floor from the counters, tables, and off the walls. The front
door was shaking so hard that it flew off it’s hinges, Loren screamed in terror as Emily pulled them all closer trying to comfort their tears and fears as best, she could and as swiftly as it all
began it left and there was nothing but cringing silence even the air became still. Jason arrives
at the house and falls out his truck crawling from the buzzing terror in his head subduing him to excruciating pain, once on the porch he tries to stand and tumbles into the front door where he falls helplessly Emily runs over to him, she could feel all the agony he was in as he passes out
from all the clumps of greenish red molasses, she yells for Loren to bring towels as she calls the
ambulance frantic with worry. Upon arrival at the Yuma Reginal Hospital, upon arrival at the hospital Jason begins having convulsions and he was immediately taken to a near by operating
room to stop the fluid and gain some control over his seizure, but the excessive fluid continued the more the Doctor tried to stop the fluid the more it seemed to pour out of his body Finally gained control of the seizure; known as a Hydrocephalus where cerebrospinal fluid in the cavities of the brain it keeps building up causing an obstruction that eventually prevents the
proper drainage of fluid… We must place a shunt in his brain to aid in alleviating some of the
pressure, Emily arrives at the hospital with the kids looking for some answer to what was
happening to her husband, she began filling out the medical forms, during the surgery the
unknown substance now coming from his ears, eyes and now his mouth had become a greenish now orange jelly-like substance it was gathered up and sent to the lab for testing… All the tests that were ran on Jason came back inconclusive, now that he was stable, we had to place him in isolation and call in Emergency Medicine Specialist, Immunologists, Cardiologist,
Hematology/Oncology and the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). We heard a call for the Hardcastle family, and we stood up as an older woman in her mid-50’s walked over
to us, “how is he”? Hello, I am Dr. Stewart and he is stable and we have him as comfortable as
possible, we have him in quarantine currently. Can we see him? Not at this time she exclaimed, and you all will have to come with me… What why? Well, as a precaution we will need to have you all as well in the isolation ward until more clarification on the gooey substance can be
identified! I was allowed to leave with the children after 72 hours, because detaining her and her children was not sensible sense, they exhibited no signs of whatever was happening to Jason, but before leaving we were able to look through the glass at my suffering husband his
condition was worsening by the second. While driving home Emily reminisces of how much she
loves Jason and on how much she needs him. Emily pulls into the driveway with the kids still asleep in the back seat, as Loren asks; “Dad is going to be ok… Right mom”, of course he is
honey get the kids out of the car and I will be in soon. Emily sits in the car closing her eyes she
begins to pray for her family and especially for her husbands’ health to be strengthened, to
PLEASE… please show favor in our time of need! The lab completed more tests and all the tests
performed came back also inconclusive, the family was back sitting in the waiting room hoping and praying that the new tests would provide a cure, but everything inconclusive again… We sat waiting for 2 hours that seemed like an eternity Emily heard a voice behind her, “Hardcastle”, she turned and raced over to a short, slightly gray-haired man with glasses they shook hands while he was introducing himself, I am Dr. Robert Kevorkian a specialist in the field of infectious diseases, Emily immediately interrupted “How is he, can we see him”? “Will he be Okay”? Well as he began to speak; he has slipped into Acoma, he is being given fluids through lan IV, and being made as comfortable as possible, but with these second round of tests in all areas of expertise, I am afraid it’s not looking good all we can do now is wait to see if the antibiotics and the steroids will begin to work, and for his pain we have a morphine drip. Mrs. Hardcastle, we have looked and researched virus strands, parasites, all known bacteria, we have performed extensive endoscopy methods as a well as blood tests! Trust me that we have
exhausted all avenues, so we are doing everything possible to stabilize your husband, and at this
time you may see him, but he is sedated. Emily, yells with fear in her throat, “What’s wrong with him, ma’am we have no idea of what is happening to your husband his body seems to be shutting down, our only hope is that he starts responding to the treatments, but if you will
follow me, I will escort you to Intensive Care now. We were allowed to see Jason through a
thick paneled glass only! Oh… how Emily wanted to hold and comfort him, just to let him know that she was there with him, he was in so much pain even in Acoma his body cringed and jerked his body jerked so hard and uncontrollably that he fell to the floor Doctor’s ran in lifting him back onto his hospital bed, and began in upping his sedation medication, in order to help calm his convulsions.
Back home Emily is trying to make some sense out of all that has occurred since the move, she shook all the weird mysteriousness away, and began explaining to Loren that Dad would be
home soon and his little bug was just that a bug that needed antibiotics dismissing everything
with rational explanations… Emily calmly began explaining to her children that the dark
shadows were only trees fraying back and forth from the wind and the flickering lights, and the trembling was simply a small scaled earth quake. Loren looked at her mother and her siblings
and thought wow she has really cracked or something, for Loren knew it was much more
sinister and unexplainable than what her mother was trying to convince herself of, but to
comfort her mother and her siblings she agreed and allowed for her mother’s reasoning to
comfort her as well. It was getting late time to put the kid’s to bed, since she to had to be up
early to head to the hospital; Jason has awakened and has no clue of where he is, or how long
he had been there…He took a deep breath and looked around ok he said, “I…I’m in a hospital”! He began pressing the nurse’s button, and soon doctor’s and nurses swarmed the room with more questions than answers, he tried to sit up but fell back onto the pillows, finally a loud voice said clear out he needs his rest and that was that. The room was quiet as his head was screaming from pain, fear, and exhaustion he sleeps… Jason was awakened by a loud noise coming from the other side of his room door, it was a loud clicking sound he took the IV out of his arm and stumbled around towards the door, opening it and stepping out into the bright hospital hallway… with each step he made the clicking sound turned into the familiar sound that had put him in the hospital, that buzzing sound is so excruciating and much, much louder than before .
© TahjD