

I blinked as I regained consciousness. I had hit my head hard, or had someone hit me? Then I realised I was holding a bloody knife in my hand.

a bloody knife ? a bloody hand ?
I could see traces of blood on the floor,
my head is throbbing so hard as
I'm trying to recollect,
as my eyes start to clear, my vision became less blurred,
my memories don't connect,not to this place,
this is unlike me, I don't feel like me,
how did I get here ?
a lifeless body on the ground, is she..no..he wearing red ?
I'm aching everywhere,
suddenly I feel nauseated, but there's nothing in my stomach to throw up,
the sight of blood is enough to make me dizzy, but I'm too stunned to move,
I stay frozen as I try to make sense of this bizarreness,
I looked clearly, focusing on the figure on the floor,
no I see white, he was definitely wearing white,
the red must be his blood,
he's covered with blood??
I fainted again.

p.s maybe I'll write more later n edit ...this is a spur of the moment but enjoy!!
© rookie poet