

The magical Garden(chapter 2)
Lilith's father was at work. Her brother got locked in his room to chat freely with his friends. His friends were 4 years older than him and most of the time they all talked together about how 《ungreatful》Lilith is. So Lilith was alone in the kitchen. Suddenly, she heard a high pitched voice telling her "Hello". She looked arround but did not see anything. She continued slicing some tomatoes and heard again"Do not ignore me!". Then she said"Who is talking...?". No reply, and that made her even more anxious and scared. She pretended nothing happened and continued cooking. When she finished it was 2 pm and she shouted "The lunch is ready!!". Her brother unlocked the door and walked to the table. He sat there and Lilith gave him some of the food she cooked."It is tasteless! Ew!" he screamed."What did I do wrong...?I thought it was nice...".Her brother ate all of the food and did not talk to Lilith.
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