

Little Yuki {Horror}
I was 25 then, living at an apartment alone. I was alright and good, until one day, my neighbour suddenly died, leaving her own 4 year old daughter alone. That girl's name was Yuki. Her father was not very good at taking care of a child, so he left her at the care of her aunt, who was also my neighbour. The aunt took good care of her. She never left her alone at home. But one thing... Yuki didn't talk much. She was also very stubborn. She would cry and pant whenever she needed to become stubborn. One day, the aunt's daughter became gravely ill. She lived far away. She thought that Yuki is young and will not be able to go with her to visit her daughter, Anne. So, she decided that Yuki should stay with me for 2 days. I was quite happy. I was lonely alone. With Yuki, I'll have a good company. So, I agreed.

When I welcomed Yuki to my home, I asked her what she wanted to play. She was silent... “Yuki, what do you want to play?” I repeated. Yuki kept silent and looked around the house. “Yuki, what do you wan't to do? Should I tell you a story?” I asked. She continued looking around the room... I suddenly had an idea, I took my old camera, and gave it to Yuki to play. She became delighted. I taught her how to take pictures. She was excited. She went from room to room, taking pictures of everything. From Beds to toys and what not.
It was night. I tucked her in the bed of the spare bedroom. But she insisted to sleep beside me. I read her stories, sang some lullabies for her. She still insisted to sleep in my bed. After many failed attempts to persuade her to sleep on a separate bed, finally I let her sleep beside me. She fell asleep at once.
I woke up suddenly in the middle of the night and turned around. Yuki was shivering and panting breathlessy. “Yuki! Yuki! What happened!?! Yuki!!!” I said, being quite scared now. It was not usual shivering. She was shivering too much! “I saw her again... her, her, her....” She said while succumbing to tears. “Yuki, who?” I asked, quite relieved, I thought it must be a nightmare. “That black thin woman” She said, still shivering violently. “Y... you mean she was dark skinned?” I asked. “N-n-no...Her skin was burnt...” And she was sobbing hard again. “Yuki... it was a nighma-” I began... “No! I k-know i-it w-w-wasnt...” She cut across. Without saying anything further, I caressed and cuddled her till she fell asleep.

When it was time for her to go, I was quite sad. She was a good child. I gave her the camera as a gift. She was delighted! Her aunt thanked me for taking care of her.

One day, her aunt thought...“She is old enough to sleep by herself now.” She chose a room and decorated it exactly as Yuki wanted. That night, after she wasn't being able to convince Yuki to sleep in her own bed, her aunt lost temper and locked her in her room and told her to sleep, and went to sleep. Next morning, when she went to congratulate Yuki her for first time sleeping alone and tell her it was not hard at all, she found Yuki fast asleep. Smiling to herself, she went to wake Yuki up. When she looked closely, her heart stopped-

Yuki wasn't breathing. In fact, she was, to her aunt's horror, dead. There wasn't a single sign of any injury on Yuki's body. Her aunt broke down completely. In Yuki's post mortem report, there was no sign of any damage as well. No poison, no injuries, nothing.

After Yuki's burial, her aunt said to me “her mother burned herself because she was tired of her life. When she was half burnt, she remembered that she can't stay in the afterlife without her beloved daughter. She tried to grab Yuki and when Yuki saw her, she was extremely scared. But before her mom could burn her with herself as well, she died, leaving Yuki” She sighed and continued “Her family claimed it as an accident...” I remembered the nightmare incident and realised that she must have remembered her mother. I didn't mention it to her. After talking to her, she gave me my camera back. I took it as a last memory of Yuki.

I was in my apartment and I started seeing what photos Yuki had taken. There were all photos a 4 year old girl would take. Usual things. Beds, vases, chairs, tables, anything. But as I reached the end, I almost had a heart attack. This was the last photo Yuki ever took. In the photo there was.... a woman, fully burnt, thin. She had red blank eyes and tangled hair.... Yuki's mother took Yuki with her to the afterlife at last.