

Hi my name is Honey smith. I am seventeen years old my father die when I was juss nine years old. I live with my mother. sometime I miss my father so much but I no that he is in heaven watching me. but now my mother have a new boyfriend his name is Paul. sometime Paul is nice to me and my mom and sometime he hits my mother so badly. he never hit me but he touch me some of the time. he will come to my room and tell me to go on the bed and he would rape me. my mom no about it but she don't stop him because he will hit her if did. one day I was in the kitchen and my mom was not home he tried to rape me and I pick up a knife and cut him with it and he hit me and hit me. he juss kept hitting me. and mom come in and saw him hitting me and she took up a knife stap him in his back and she ran to the phone and call the police. the police came and took us to the hospital. my mother never date again. A short story by:Aaliyah Smith