

Rising Dead 26
Early in the morning kai standing on roof looking down on ground he wore pink t shirt and black jeans and then he heard few peoples unlock roof doors and comes from behind he didn't look back

Garry , Mona , Dave and Eva standing behind him silently
Eva comes forward and stands beside Kai and started following Kai's gaze on the ground gate and said " so found any beautiful zombies ?" With chuckels

Kai ignored her completely but Eva looks at him and smiled softly and turn back and looks at them

Garry and Dave arguing with each other in small voice , Eva looks at them and then looks at Mona and guesters her to do something . Mona
Said to them in low voice " hey already say something "

Garry and Dave looks at each other and signs and looks at Kai and said " Hey Kai " Kai slightly looks back but didn't said anything

Mona comes close to Eva and Kai and stands beside Eva and looks back at Garry and Dave

Dave said in Garry's ears " he is waiting Hopper " Garry looks back at Dave and said in raised voice " I know Dave " and looks at Kai and clears his throat

Kai looks back at Garry as he looks in his eyes Garry said " We are thinking about ... I mean I am ready to leave leaders position " and he looks at everyone for moral support

Mona said " yeah we all think that it's for the best " Dave also nods in agreement ment , Eva started laughing and said " guys why don't you just say directly "

Garry looks at Dave and Mona but said nothing , Eva signs and said " They wanted you to become our leader "

Garry said in low voice " I made some wrong choices , as leader I have to think about our peoples first then about my family but , I failed everyone " and he looks at the floor expressing guilty

Mona came close to her dad and hugs him and said " it's not entirely true dad , you tried your best even you and Dave injured yourself trying to protect us "

Garry Laughs and hugs her back and said " thanks but I don't want to stay as leader I'm _" but Kai interupted him and said " atleast you tried your best like Mona said " in expression less face

Everyone looks at Kai and then Garry's nods and said " Thanks but I can't protect these peoples like you protected us last time "

Kai turns away and said without meeting anyone gaze " I'm sorry but I have to go "

As they heard Kai's words theirs expression changed specially Eva's
She freezed for few moments as she looking at Kai

Mona said " what...you mean...your leaving ..? " Kai nods Garry and Dave looks at Eva but Eva still looking at Kai

Mona said in low voice " hey let's leave I think Eva and Kai need some time alone " Dave nods and started leaving but Garry said " you can't leave_ " but Mona dragged Garry with him as she said " stop dad let's go"

Garry said to Mona as they climbing down the stairs " if he stay here with us we will be safe why that guy _ " but Mona said " maybe he have his reasons but I hope that Eva can change his mind "

Eva looking at him and said " what do you mean by that ? " In serious tone

Kai looks at Eva and said " I promised you I will help you to find your brother " Eva's eyes filled tears and she said " but"

Kai looks away and said " we found your brother and here is my cue to leave " and he started heading towards the door but Eva grabbed his hands and comes front of him and said " I know you have to find your brother but maybe their is another way "

Kai looks at her in eyes and said " there isn't " and he started leaving Eva alone but Eva said as she starts crying " please don't leave me "

" This is right time to separate our ways " Kai said in cold Voice ,
" But I don't want you to go away from me " Eva said as she turns towards Kai

Then Kai said " Why ? " Without looking back at her " because I love you , you idiot " Eva said out loud and tears rolls down from her eyes

" DON'T " Kai said without expression in his face
Eva said as she comes front of him again and looks him in the eyes " Why ?"

But this time Kai said " you will suffer " with sad expression on his face
" I don't care " Eva said instantly
" But I don't want you to suffer " Kai said and steps close to Eva

" I've already fallen in love with you " Eva said steps close to Kai

" Then you are stupid enough to fall in love with stranger " Kai said as he looks away from her

" Your are not stranger , we know each other very well " Eva said as he leans on Kai's shoulder

" Don't be so reckless Eva , you don't even know me " Kai said but he didn't steps away from Eva , Eva looks at Kai and said in angry voice " then tell me , what are you hiding from me , tell me everything I want to know "

Kai hesitate for a moment and steps away from her and looks in her eyes and said " trust me Eva , if you find out everything about me you would hate me "

" Even if I die I won't" Eva said confidant tone and again steps close to Kai

Kai said frastated voice " why because you love me ? Love is the stupid thing to do " and grabbed her chicks tightly and pulled close towards him

Eva looking in the eyes of Kai in disbelief expressions on her face Kai realised that he is losing control of his emotions and released Eva and steps back and looks at his hands , but Eva didn't said anything she kept looking at Kai as she crying

Kai turns away from her and said " I am not good guy or maybe I am not human any more " as he came close to edge of the roof

" Then you will keep running away from everyone ?" Eva said at looking at the floor as Kai heard her words his eyes widen but quickly he makes his expression less face

" You are not what other people thinks you are , you are what you think you are " Eva said as he looks at Kai but Kai didn't said anything

Eva said again " no one can drag you down without your consent "

Kai looks back and paused few moments and said " only few more days , until you guys have enough food to survive , I'll stay here "
And Kai start heading down

Eva smiled a little and wipes her tears and started following him

Garry , Dave , Mona , Noor and Tony with other all of remaining 31 peoples sitting on the canteen waiting for Garry to speak up but Garry is leaning on the front wall and thinking something

Finally after few moments Garry came forward and said " listen up guys " in loud voice

Everyone started looking at Garry curiously Garry stops again and said
" If Anybuddy want to become a leader of this group please steps forward "

Peoples started murmuring but nobody steps forward , as Garry scans the crowd for volunteers but he didn't saw any one

Garry again said " Don't worry about Kai he don't want to become a leader " as they heard Garry's words again peoples started whispering loudly , some one said " why he don't want to become a leader ?" Other one said " maybe he thinks that we are useless "

Other one said " then it's good new , what if he became leader and started killing people like Marko " other one agreed with him

Some people's wants Kai become leader but other one don't want Kai to became their leader

As Kai and Eva came close to door of canteen but Kai stops on tracks and Eva also tops and looks at Kai and said " why did you stop let's go in peoples waiting for us .. I mean you " but Kai looks at her and leans on out side of the canteen wall Eva looks confused she thought why Kai stops here we didn't even know how many people are in the canteen maybe he is afread of so many peoples but again how can this guy afread of people's when he didn't ever get scared when facing a monster

Some one shouts Kai has to become their leader it's good for their survival , Eva smiled as she heard it and looks at Kai , Kai just leaning on the wall with closed eyes

Again another one shouts are you out of your mind we can't accept someone like him as leader , he is a killer what if we do something he didn't like and he killed us ?

As Eva heard his word and she clinched her fist and said " how can they say that you just saved them and " she about to head in but Kai grabbed her hand and said " stay here " without expression on his face

Again on of them said yeah he himself admitted that he is a monster we can't even let stay someone like him

Eva closed her eyes in anger and looks at Kai as she changed her expression but Kai is looking at her without a word

Mona said in anger " what did you just say ?" Garry said " calm down Mona , and you don't say something like that again "

But he is dengerous for us and there are children here how can we let ..... Eva brush off Kais hand and
Headed in the canteen ........

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