

A Hospital Tale
Spring University Hospital
Dr. Lee Myun Dae's office.
"Hello Mr. Kim"
"Hello Dr.Lee. How are you?"
"I am...."
Hospital announcement : "Code Black! Code Black! Emergency Room. Patients from a bus accident will soon arrive. Since there are many injured patients, we are shorthanded, all medical staff should please come to the emergency room. Repeat. Code Black! Code Black! ... "

"Oh,sorry Mr. Kim. There's an emergency."
"Oh. OK. And about the information you asked?"
"We'll discuss it later. I'll hang up now."

There's a chaos in the hospital.
Emergency Room
Doctor Lee : His ankles have swollen.
Then suddenly the patient passes out.
Dr. Lee examines the patient.
Dr. Lee : It's an heart attack! Start CPR now!
Nurse starts CPR.
Dr. Lee : Get the defibrillator ready.
He rips the patient's shirt.
The nurse : It's ready.
Dr. Lee : Charge 200 Joules.
Then places the paddles on the patient's chest and delivers shock.
Dr. Lee : Once more!
Delivers the shock again.
Then he examines the patient's chest.
Dr. Lee : The heartbeat has returned.
Checks his ECG.
Dr. Lee : He's had a myocardial infarction and is in renal failure. Surgery is needed right away. Get an Operating Room ready! "

In the Operating Room
Doctor Oh : It will be dangerous if he gets another cardiac arrest.
Dr. Lee : I am going to start CABG and septal rupture repair.
And then the surgery starts.
Dr. Lee : Scalpel.
Makes a cut.
Dr. Lee : Bovie.
Opens the slit.
After some minutes.
Dr. Lee : Hold tightly!
Doing internal stitches.
Dr. Lee : Cut.
I am done with the septal repair. Now we need to work on the CABG. Gauze.
And some more minutes later, the surgery ends well.
The patient is brought out of the operation room.
Other Doctors : You did a great job Dr. Lee!
Dr. Lee : No. We all did a great job. Congratulations everyone!
Soon the emergency situation comes under control.

In Dr. Lee's office.
Dials Mr. Kim's number.
"Hello Mr. Kim. Can we talk?"
"Of course Dr. Lee! I was waiting for your call. I hope everything's under control there?"
"Oh yes. It was a bit of chaos for some time but thankfully it's all over now.
So, about that information. I think we can discuss it now?"
"Yes doctor. I've prepared a detailed data file regarding your request. I think we should meet in person."
"That's great brother Kim! OK then let's meet at Breeze restaurant at 6 of today's eve?"
Hangs up.

At Breeze restaurant.
Mr. Kim : Hello Dr. Lee!
Dr. Lee : It's been a long time Mr. Kim.
Both shake hands and take their seats.
Mr. Kim passes an envelope to Dr. Lee.
Mr. Kim : Here's what I've found.
He ran away to the countryside that very same day. After that he changed his ID and since then, is living peacefully ; while hiding his real identity from everyone.
All the details, you can find in this envelope doctor Lee.
Dr. Lee : It took really long. But finally it's here.
Thanks to you brother Kim.
Mr. Kim : It's been 10 years since we know each other Lee. You are like younger brother to me. And you still think you have to thank me? "
Dr. Lee : OK. I got it."
Then they leave the restaurant after having coffee.

At doctors' residence in Dr. Lee's room.
Sits in his lounge chair.
Opens the envelop and starts going through the papers.
Reads to himself.
"Professor Park HoJun. Spring University Hospital.
New ID : Man KunWoo. Works at a local restaurant in.."
Shuts the file.
"It's been seven years Prof. Park. I've waited all these years, determined, that some day I'll find you and then KILL you with my own hands! And finally, my wait is over. I'll meet you very soon."
Disgusted look on face.
" If only you hadn't run away that day.... you coward... "
Gets sad and closes his eyes.

7 years back.
In a court room.
Judge : Since the prosecution has failed to produce the said vitness, Professor Park HoJun to the court, therefore, in the absence of enough evidence and no vitness, the court acquits defendant Professor Yang ByonHo, of the rape charges of victim Lee BoAa and hence, declares him innocent.....

The same day, after the trial, in Spring University Hospital.
Nurse : Lee Myung Dae?
Myung Dae : Yes nurse. What happened? Is BoA alright?
Nurse : I am sorry. Your sister is no more.
Myung Dae goes in a complete devastated state.

After Lee BoA's funeral.
Myung Dae remembers her sister saying,
"Soon we'll work together brother. And we'll be the best cardiac surgeons of this hospital : The Cardiac Siblings Dr. Lee Myung Dae and Dr. Lee BoA!
I so eagerly look forward to that day brother!"
And both start laughing, hugging each other.

Myung Dae crying, full of anger,
" I promise you BoA, no matter where he is and how much time it takes, I'll get that bastard HoJun and KILL him straight away!

Present time.
Next morning, at Spring University Hospital in Dr. Lee Myung Dae's office.
Nurse : Dr. Lee. Doctor Han is asking you to check the patient you did surgery on yesterday.
Dr. Lee : Oh yes. Where is he?
Nurse : 4th Floor, Room no. 207.
Dr. Lee : OK. I'll be there.

In Room no. 207.
Dr. Han : Oh, good morning Dr. Lee!
Dr. Lee : Good morning Dr. Han.
Dr. Han : You are here to check your patient from yesterday?
Dr. Lee : Yes doctor. Which bed?
Dr. Han: There. Bed no. 4.
Dr. Lee : Thank you doctor.
Goes to the patient and starts examining him.
Dr. Lee : His vitals are stable now.
Show me the last reports.
Nurse : Here doctor.
Hands the report pad to Dr. Lee.
Dr. Lee, reading to himself : Patient - Man Kun Woo, Age 47 years......
And suddenly gets shocked.
Nurse : What happened doctor? Is something wrong?
Dr. Lee : Is his name.. Maan.. Man KunWoo?
Nurse : Yes doctor. This is Man KunWoo, the patient you saved yesterday.
Do you, by any chance know him?

The report pad fells off Dr. Lee's hands.

The End
