

Sin... page 1
"Happy birthday day, Dad". She hugged me as she wished.
"Thanks! Doll and happy birthday to you too". I kissed her forehead and we separated.

I put the bag I was carrying on the table and loosened my tie to relax.

"I am setting up the dinner table. Why don't you get changed into something comfortable? We will dine together tonight.", she yelled from the kitchen.

"Going to get changed. Kiddo.", I yelled back going into my room to slip into my night clothes.

Soon I came back wearing a loose kurta and pajama. She had also come out of the kitchen and had put delicious food and beautiful cake on the table.

"Looks tasty.", I complimented walking to the table. At the table, I pulled a chair back for her and took the chair opposite to her to sit.

"Why don't we cut the cake first before starting with the dinner?", I suggested and pulled the cake between us from the side of the table.

I took out two candles from the candle box and put them onto the cake. Then she lit them with the matchbox she had with her.

"Make a wish.". We spoke together and then laughed.

"You go first.", I said to her and she closed her eyes. She wished for something and then blew out one of the candles.
I clapped and sang Happy Birthday to her.

"Now, it's time for you to blow out your candle but before that, where is my gift?", she asked excitedly.

"Well, sorry kiddo I forgot to buy one for you. It was a very busy day.", I explained.

"It's okay Dad. I understand.", she replied disappointedly but then she burst into laughter and told me that she knew I would forget so she had already bought a gift for her using my credit card.

"Smart and selfish.", I quipped. I blew out the other candle and she sang a Happy Birthday to me.

We dined and talked for a little longer then retired to our room.

I heard her door close so I closed mine too. I laid on the bed and tucked myself into the blanket.

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep but ended up reading an ebook on my phone since I couldn't sleep.

An hour into the book, I heard her knocking on my door, "Dad, are you still up? Can I come in? I want to show you something.",

"It's late kiddo. You should sleep now. You have your college tomorrow. Whatever it is I am sure can wait for tomorrow morning.", I tried to send her back to her room.

"Come on Dad. It wouldn't take long. I will get in and get out all in just 5 minutes. Please Dad.", she pleaded to let her in.

Knowing her stubborn nature, I let her in.

"Check this out Dad and tell me how am I looking?", she asked twirling before me in a black saree.

"Beautiful and majestic." I praised.
"Just like mom used to look. Right?", she asked staring at my face anticipating an affirmation.

I noticed the gloomy expressions on her and some sadness in her tone.

"So, this is what you bought. I thought you had bought some expensive jewelry or something", I tried to change the subject to dissolve the melancholy.

"I think I should have bought some expensive jewelry, not this cheap saree but I am as dumb as you are, I guess.", she smiled.

"Anyways, I showed what I wanted to show and it is now time for your gift. Close your eyes and don't open them until I say so.", she ordered. I closed my eyes and she wrapped a blindfold over them to ensure they were staying shut.

I waited blindfolded for 10 minutes and when nothing happened I tried to take my blindfolds off as they began to discomfort me.

"Don't take them off. Just give me 5 more minutes.", she pleaded.

" Okay! Just five more minutes and then you take the blindfolds off and show me my gift.", I demanded.

I calmed myself down and waited.

In almost about a minute, I felt a feather brushing on my lips. I felt a little push on my upper lip and before I could fathom the moment, a pair of lips worked mine into submission. The sweet taste of the nectar on those lips and the warmth of the slowly drawn breaths on my face blew my senses off and threw me off guard. A hand gently held my cheek and another hand slid its fingers between the gaps of my fingers. With a little more push, my upper lip successfully settled between those luscious lips. The nectar dripping off the lower lip locked between my lips flowed into my mouth.

"So sweet. So warm. It tastes like strawberries.", this thought sent a jolt through my spine and shocked me back to my senses.

I took the blindfold off of my eyes with my other hand and opened my eyes to the sight of my daughter's lips locked with mine.

She was completely submerged in the sensuality of the moment.

I broke the kiss and pushed her off me gently. She stepped back and stood staring at me blankly.

"This isn't right. This isn't right.", I mumbled.

"What isn't?", she questioned irritated.

"This. What we were about to do a few moments ago.", I clarified collecting myself.

"Fine.", she replied and walked out of the room slamming the door shut behind her.

I set on my bed, playing that incident in my mind, again and again, trying to wrap my head around what had just transpired but I couldn't.

I tried to sleep but how could I? I had millions of questions coursing through my mind and keeping me awake.

In millions of paths she could have strayed off to, why did she have to stray off to this one?

I had done everything right with her then why?

There was no point in beating myself up for something I had no clue about so I knocked on her door to get the answers.

I knew she wasn't sleeping because there was no way she could have just brushed everything off like it wasn't a big deal but I didn't get any response.

I knocked continuously until I heard the doorknob turning.

She opened the door only a little and popped her head out.

"Look, Dad. I am sorry. I know you must have lots of questions but can we do this question answer round in the morning? I am tired and just want to sleep now.", she made her half-hearted apology and closed the door on face.

I didn't knock again. I still had millions of questions that I knew wouldn't even be answered in the morning but I had noticed her red eyes and that could only mean that she had cried a lot. I didn't feel like making her cry more.

I went back to my room and decided to focus on making everything normal as I knew that the upcoming morning would be hard and embarrassing for both of us.

To be continued...

© summerof2000