

hello reader! welcome to my page to get start I believe you need to know a little bit more about the writer. My name is Lucy Zinnah a twenty-seven year old born in Liberia, west coast of Africa currently live in Iowa. I am currently in school getting my associate degree in massage therapy; why i choose massage? I chose massage because I am full of life, very passionate and love to help people heal from within/ out. speaking of healing that's one of the reason why i have chosen to start a writing. writing have always been one of my favorite because growing up I was a shy kid who had a little bit of a challenge in expressing my true feeling then i came across writing that when realize my true expression came from writing. has i grow older i realize there another obstacle that was in the way in that was grammars and spelling without thinking twice i stop writing completely. It wasn't long ago until i pick back up on writing still facing those obstacle but that WILL NOT stop me from getting to you. these blog are basically my daily journey if you happen to have any feather questions please contact me and i will be very happy to answer any questions.

© Lucy Luve Kabba