

Life, is that a funny word?
Life. that had a funny meaning to me. weather it be going out and living or doing what I normally do anyways.
life, has never been to kind for me. its either this way or no way at all.
I've lived without a dad for fourteen year now. I've lived with a mom in and out of my life since the day I was born. I've lived with 3 older sister, three older brothers and a younger sibling. not directly all living together but still all together 8 of us.
people wonder why I am a certain way.
why I'm not mature enough. Why I'm so childish.
but they don't even have that right to even say that to me if they barley even know me at all. first time I ever spoken to one guy that came up to me. I spent most of day hanging out with me just because he would happen to find me when I was by my self which I definitely didn't want to get in trouble for doing absolutely nothing but being in nature listening to music. At the time, I knew no one but my sister. I knew the people who brought me but I didn't know them enough.
let me ask you this,
if you give up half of your childhood for someone else's kid, does that mean you don't have the right to have fun anymore? I am the Aunty of wonderful kids.
I love them all as if they are mine. one in particular, I to be honest love the most, I've taken care of since I was 11. I gave up going to a pool party with my childhood crush in exchange for my nephew to have someone there. In exchange for being with people my age. not being an aunt but being a 13 year old going to a pool party with the guy she's had a crush on since who knows.
do you think she should have that right and not be told that she was childish.
yes to admit, I am one to do, say or speak in a childish way, but it's how I've manage to cope with everything around me. From,
A. Losing My best friend and dad at the age of 4
B. knowing the fact that my dad died from drugs and a car
C. knowing my mom has/does drugs
D. knowing my mom is a terrible driver.
E. Having a terrifying older sister
F. Having. little sister that looked up to me.
G. Having tons of sibling, not all with the same mom or day
H. having a huge family even without the sibling.
I. having to deal with a sick grandma
J. having to deal with that and most of the adults on drugs
K. the only one old enough to understand
L. not actually knowing what to do
M. getting taken away
N. getting into fight with the one that took us in
O. No contact with people from what seemed like a previous life
P. have anxiety
Q. possible depression
R. New school
S. New kid, switching classes... and ect...
I could finish the alphabet but I'm not... so yea
© Alexiehooper