

Everything was spinning, I can feel gravity pushing my body down the ground and I can't seem to move, not even a finger. I can't even feel my limbs! I just watched as the world spun with me and it made me dizzier and dizzier. I tried closing my eyes but it only made it worse, it felt like my whole body was spinning too and even if I close my eyes I can still see everything rotate.

After what seemed like forever of dizziness torture, everything stopped spinning. I only blinked once and as soon as I opened my eyes, everything changed.

I wasn't in the dark room anymore and I can now move my body freely. I sat up rubbing my temples to recover from the dizziness. I looked around seeing an unfamiliar place.

I was on the bare ground only covered by the grass. Tons of trees are behind me and in front was the city's nightview and a cliff. Tall skyscrapers stood with lights open making it seem like it was such a beautiful view but in reality, it was such a nightmare. Open lights means that people were busy and trust me, it's the worst on these days. Unlike the beauty in front, when I look down it was like hell broke loose. The cliff was so deep and there was a very strong current on the river at the very bottom. It was so dark too!

"I'm so sorry." A soft sob caught my attention and made me turn my head. A girl wearing a school uniform was standing on the edge of the cliff. She was facing the city with tears streaming down her face. Her uniform! She's from San Ignacio High!

"Please forgive me!" She kept apologizing agin and again into the nothingness while crying. After staring and listening to her cry, my eyebrows furrowed when I started realizing who she was. I didn't know her name but she definitely looks familiar. Why? She's one of the girls who bullied Mitzy.

Why is she here and why is she all alone? Where are her friends?

I was about to turn to leave when she took one step forward. One step closer to the edge of the cliff. "Hey! Wait what are you doing?!" I yelled with my eyes widened from what she just did. Is she trying to commit suicide here?

She turned around at me and I walked towards her slowly. "Don't come closer!" She pleaded crying taking small steps back kicking a few rocks down the cliff. I stopped and reached out my hand.

"Take my hand uhh..." I eyed her ID and read her name. "Zafira!"

Zafira stared at my hand with hesitation and wiped away her tears. "You don't have to do this. We can talk it out! I know you've only met me but you can trust me!" I said reassuringly. Her eyes screamed fear and doubt but her tears stopped. I mentally smiled when I noticed her hand twitching to slowly reach my hand.

"There." I said calmly when she extended her arms to reach my hand. Her fingertips was only a few inches away from meeting with mine when a strong gush of wind hit the both of us.

It was so strong that it made me step forward a little. Stepping forward made our hands reach but like me, Zafira was also pushed. She was lighter than me and the wind was too strong. Even though I felt her hands on mine, it only slipped as she was pushed back to the cliff screaming in terror before her body was swallowed by the water.



My eyes shot open and I was panting with cold sweats trickling down the side of my face. Why did I dream of such thing? Why did I get another nightmare?

My chest still feels so tight, it makes it harder for me to breathe. I look down at my hands that was shaking vigorously. It was only a nightmare, why did it feel so real? Too real.

I jumped startled when a knock came to my door. "Son, wake up. You might get late!" Mom said outside my room. I sighed and ruffled my hair before getting out of bed. I looked to my left and saw my reflection on the mirror.

My skin was paler than usual and my eyes were showing fear and nervousness. What was I so afraid of? How can a dream, a nightmare to be exact affect me like this? It wasn't real. It is not and it never will be. "Calm down Hex." I whispered to myself closing my eyes and taking deep breaths to calm myself down.

"HEX! YOU'LL BE LATE!" I jump in surprise.

"I know!"

© BA