

Rape: Manifestation of a mindset

I have written this article a few years back, I thought of sharing this with you people. This article is related to Nirbhaya.

Well, the so-called ‘Juvenile’ is now a free bird. After years of the night, parents of Nirbhaya were deprived of soothing rays of dawn. The juvenile is set free. It is because according to the Indian Judicial system, the juvenile is not old enough to be punished’. But on the contrary, he is old enough to rape and kill.


We can see rage and anger in the eyes of everyone, but that is momentary. After some time we forget everything and say ‘What we can do in such cases?’ We all want immediate action against such inhuman acts.

Rape is a manifestation of the mindset of society about women. And it is we who make a society. Have we ever thought ‘Is death sentence the ultimate solution to the problem?’ If a death sentence had been the ultimate solution, then after hanging of Dhananjay Chatterjee, no one would have committed rape.

You people might not agree with me.

Let me be clear. I am not at all favoring the culprits. They should be punished for their deeds. Laws should be strict and there should be no provision of mercy for such butchers.

But punishing the culprit is a momentary solution to the problem.

Have we ever tried to analyze the mind of a rapist? Have we ever tried to know his thoughts, which makes him do such a barbarian act?

Probably the answer would be No. I am just trying to analyze the root cause of the problem.

By giving them a death sentence can lessen the crime in society but it can never be eradicated.

To completely curb such crimes from society in addition to punishing the culprits we need to go deep and analyze the root cause of these problems.

Disrespect for women is deeply rooted in society.Just wait and think for a moment.

Are we not insulting our mothers just because they don’t earn?

Are we not disrespecting our wives, sisters from restricting them to live a life of their choice?

Are we not making our daughters cripple from depriving them of education, just because she is a girl?

People always want a male child.

Many people have this mentality that women are made for making food and sex. (Exceptions are there) A woman is a weaker sex (physically) than a man, so she should follow man’s directive irrespective of whether he is correct or wrong.Just because he is a man,you have to live life according to him.

It is well said ‘a child is like a clay, we can mold it as we want’. When a guy is in his growing age, he learns from his family, the family plays a vital role in shaping his character. So, if from a tender age a guy witnesses disrespect for women, his mindset is framed in that way, and he exhibits the mentality of people when he goes out.

So, I think if we want to wipe out such crimes from society, we have to change our thought process. We have to start from the grass-root level of society (our families).

Note: This article is written keeping in mind a group of people. Not everyone is like that. No offense to anyone.


© Shwetakumari29