


© Sha Ron

Chapter 8

✍️✍️ Sharon obasi.

*Late in the evening*

David came back from work,he licked his lips immediately he opened his front door to perceive the aroma of freshly made food,he swallowed his saliva sharply and headed upstairs to change and of course eat.He hadn't bought dinner or ordered from outside as he usually does,why would he while his mother brought the best cook for him,the wife thing apart.
What did she make?..he mused as the smell penetrated into his nostrils again,it smells more like hamburger.He's sure going to eat alot tonight.

Few minutes later,he came downstairs and met Diana eating on the dinning.
She stood smiling as she crossed the table to give him a welcoming hug,what's she up to this time,that's the first thing that crossed David's mind.

"Welcome sweetie,I didn't hear you come in"her voice was sharper than she intended making her sentence seem like a question more than a simple statement, David opened his mouth to talk,she practically raised a finger to his mouth,he clamped it shut while she finished"Oh I know, I was cooking and the tap was on"She laughed huskily.

When she moved inches away,he made to go sit down and eat,but she stood right in front of him and putted a palm to his rocky chest.

"No honey,you have to take your bath first,I have putted everything necessary ready for you,before you finish bathing,I would have served your food by then"She said twisting her neck like a snake.

"Ok.... alright"David managed and rushed to the bathroom.

'Get ready to eat your ass'Diana mumbled and went to finish the remains of her food.

When she's done,she went inside the kitchen and washed everything she had used to cook, and eat,she arranged it in order and went to her room.
She knows what David is thinking,that she had made food for him,he forgot that the food he ate in the morning is his food tonight,he will cry like a baby tonight,Diana kept smiling as she locked her door and waited to hear David's angry voice.

"Diana!?"His voice came biasedly into her room.

"Diana?!"He called again,she kept silent ,even when he banged on her door,she laughed silently.

"Diana I know you are in there, what's all this shit about?!"David felt furious.

She walked closer to the door so he would hear her "What's the problem sweetheart?"Her voice almost exposed her as it sounded funny.

"You said you were going to serve my food before am done in the bathroom, where's it?"he replied calmly this time.

"Honey I ate everything,my own wasn't enough,so I ate yours,I will make another for you in the morning"She said closing her mouth with her palms to hold back her laughter.

"What?!,are you making fond of me now!"he shouted banging angrily on the door.

Diana imagined the look on his face and how furious he looked this moment,her heart thudded when he kicked the door but that was it,she heard his footsteps as he retreated.
She slumped to the ground and laughed her soul out.She will remain locked inside till morning, except she wants to die tonight.


David walked around his living room with outrageous anger.
He thought of going outside to buy food but he's not sure if he had much control not to kill the waiters in the restaurant.
He walked briskly upstairs again to his room and shutted it behind him.

He fell on the bed and felt something pinch his back,he threw the sheets away to see what it was and behold!
A tray of cookies and fruit juice where neatly setted on his bed with a single note ontop of it.
He opened the note and skimmed through it,then calmed down to read;

             'i know you will be really angry before you find this,but just know that I don't have such a heart.Anyways I wanted to get you angry just the same way you did to me this morning,but I know how hungry you must be after working all day.So honey calm down and eat, don't murder anything o,see you in the morning, goodnight!............ your wife Diana'

David heaved a sigh of relief and slumped to the bed again,he laughed at his own stupid self and read the words again.He thought of how funny all this is . He's not sure if he will wait till morning to talk to her, she's something else.He always thinks that his mother and sister are the best drama queens not knowing that someone somewhere is far more dramatic than them.He still can't believe she did that to anger him and catch cruise.
He stood and ate quietly while the thought of her ran through his mind.
'what would she be doing now?,still laughing?,or ready for bed?,or maybe asleep,Does she think about him at all?'

When he's done eating,he packed everything to a corner and went to his side table,he opened his laptop and started working.
But it is hard to concentrate,the thought of her filled his mind.He doesn't know what he's feeling right now,the only thing he understands very well is that he knew from the very moment Diana walked past him in her elegant form the day his mother brought her to his house,he had never felt the same and he knew she's going to be alot of trouble to his system.

No matter what this feeling is about he trusts that he doesn't believe that love happens,love is sham,is not everything he ...........
No it's not true!, what has love got to do with what he's feeling now?, though this feelings are different.
He closed his laptop and went to lay on the bed again,he fantasized about being in bed with her,how soft her body would be against his stone built skin.
'What's wrong with you David?,when did you become so addicted to this hot chick!...humph...!'His mind raced.He jumped off the bed and went outside,the television will be of great help to his brain,he sat cross-legged on the couch and picked the remote control.He booted the television and searched through the channels.Nothing interesting was showing,or was there something interesting?,he just lost his senses,the television doesn't exist because everything keeps blurring in his eyes,the only thing he's seeing clearly is her perfect toned body,her shape,her long legs,her curves,her piercing eyes,her kissable lips,her tauntingly beautiful face.Everything about her is dazzling.

David lay down on the couch comfortably and allowed his mind go through how perfect they might be together until tiredness overwhelmed him and sleep took over.

*Next morning*
Diana walked sluggishly down the stairs,she felt tired ,her eyes are still clouded by sleep.She yawned heavily and paused to stretch her body in different angles before descending the stairs again.
She made for the bathroom but stopped in her tracks when she saw David's sleeping figure on the couch.
The dramas of last night came in fold to her and she made a tactic smile and ran back upstairs to get a bedsheet for him,he seemed cold.
Jeez!,how did he manage to sleep there,it's an uncomfortable thing for her not to talk of a huge man like him.
And why did he sleep there?
Did he see the food?
Is he still angry with her?

These questions cascaded through her mind as she came down again and stood before him wondering if it's a good idea to cover him up.

What if he wakes up and......?
No way!..
He ate the food,she saw for herself when she went inside his room to get the sheets.
He wouldn't be angry in anyway!.

She carefully threw the sheets over him and covered his whole body except his head,he took a deep breath and snuggled the sheets closer to shoulder length as he smiled dreamily.

Diana watched him in appraisal, he's the best face even asleep and he sleeps just like a baby.

She threw her face sideways to avoid doing exactly what her mind is telling her,she licked her lips and stepped backwards but his strong palm took her hand savagely.

She went rigid in ulter amazement as she had thought he is still deep in sleep.

"What where you doing?"David snorted.

"I.....the   ....ahm..."Her voice betrayed her .She shutted it and pointed at the bedsheet on his body.

"Oh!"He managed and added"sit down"as he realeased her hand and tapped beside him.

"Good morning"She greeted recovering from her stupid behavior.

"You don't know how to greet your husband young lady,or are you tired of me already?"he teased.

"Don't get so full of yourself,you are not all that"She replied scrutinizing him.

"Which means that our marriage just expired in two days!"He eyed her funnily.

"Maybe"She raised a brow.

"Too bad....how's your night?"He said calmly.

"Best night ever!... laughed all the way to dream land!"She said making it sound enthusiastic.

"Why did you do that?"David started lowly.

"Nothing... I... just wanted revenge"She mused looking him hard on the face for the first time without looking away.
His face held no meaningful expression, she's not sure why she's feeling awful about it,but she felt that he doesn't want her to read anything about him through his expression, blanking her off which means he doesn't regard her as anyone important to him yet.

David watched her spotless face closely,it's with great resistance that he didn't close the space between them and kiss her breathless,he sat up immediately and dumped his hands inside the sheets.

"Diana?"He called looking her way again.

"Huh!"she swallowed the lump that formed on her throat.

"Did my mother pay you to do this?"

Diana didn't know if she should tell him the truth,but if she does, he's surely going to walk her out and accomplishing what Maggie told her would be a lost game.
And did he think she would actually pay her to play games on her son?,he's somewhat right, but she wasn't paid,she accepted to do this wholeheartedly till the holiday ends.

"No"she looked at him intently just as him.
"Your mother payed my bride price and claimed that she's marrying me for her son"she explained falsely, she took her lower lip between her teeth and chewed lightly.

"And you accepted to marry someone you don't know,and am sure you haven't seen me before have you?"he said watching her.
Did she think she would buy that?.

"Well,I.... didn't have a choice........"

"What do you mean you don't have a choice?!"
David cutted her short in total anger.
He grabbed her arm violently and looked at her intently.
"Are you trying to make me look stupid?,like I don't have common sense or what?!"He snapped.

Diana winced in pain and pulled at her arm,she doesn't understand how someone rationally transforms from being an angel to a wolf.

"David let me go,you are hurting me?!"Her eyes watered in tears........

pls 🙏 follow up.