

Chapter 2 " big decision "
" Even after all these years I still have feelings for you, I don't want to lose you again " , these words kept lingering in my ears, "I couldn't stop thinking about him, and the way he said and the romantic moment we had, kept me awake for the whole night, if I shut my eyes or kept them open ,I couldn't take off his blushing image off my mind,

In a pin drop silent I can hear my heart beating like a drum, the sense of happiness couldn't stop me blushing everytime I think about him, even though I was not sure about my decision, I started to imagine my future with him,
I have always been his friend from the start, even though I had a crush on him during our highschool days, but I never imagined him being my boyfriend,
just the thought of him being my lover making my stomach and rumble with butterfly's, and I thought maybe after being single from almost three years now, I deserve to be happy and I think maybe he can keep me happy but I was also scared of getting hurt again ,what if he turned out to be like my ex-boyfriend, A cheater or a jealous freak, I was not ready to face the same pain I went through and took almost 2 years to get over him,' sigh...!!!after breaking my head for the whole sleepless night ", finally I came to my conclusion.