

Your Hero
If you want to know my say on this, I would tell you to go, find someone who can save you.

I would tell you it's okay to depend your life to someone else for a little while. I would tell you that sometimes happiness runs out inside us and the only way to quench our thirst is through someone else's cup. I would tell you that not being able to save yourself is okay and you should never be afraid and be ashamed of that. I would tell you that being alone will never heal you and you need to get out of your room, shower, wear your favorite Nirvana shirt, and let people see how beautifully fucked up you are. Let someone touch your scars and hear the Gothic bedtime stories behind them, and let them try to patch it with their own skin. Let someone hold you, catch you, or even just sit beside you, and let them whisper the things you've been longing to hear.

Yes, I would tell you that if you can't do it on your own, then someone else has to do it for you. There is someone out there waiting and willing to save you from that cliff, or tunnel, or desert, or any place in the world where the mirror won't answer that you are the fairest of them all. They are going to save you from yourself and I want you to let them do that. I want you to be selfish right now and accept the love of someone who doesn't need a stone to be your hero. And if one day you'll end up hurting them, always bear in your heart that you are worth the pain. They knew the consequences yet they still chose to save you, and that would mean you are worth saving.
–Myka M. Obinque

Photo: @paoloraeli (IG)