

Fighting Obstacles
"Having once decided to achieve a certain task, achieve it at all costs. The gain in self-confidence of having accomplished a tiresome labor is immense." This quote asserts and ensures that having determination and will power to reach your goals alludes to obtaining self-confidence that impower you despite all difficulties. Lara, an injured athlete had challenged herself and passed all the obstacles to achieve her goal.
Lara has gone through a lot of difficulties but she had always overcome them.Lara is a girl who has slef confidence and is well determined that she will achieve all her goals. She is also a great basketball player.She was preparing for the basketball competition, but once she injured her foot, everything changed. She couldn't participate in the competition anymore. Despite she is a good player, Lara refused to share when she recovered. However, her confidence, determination, and the encouragment of her coach, who told her:" Believe you can and you're halfway there," impowered her to win the game.
For fist step taken, Lara prepared herself physically well and trained at home to ragain muscles ,after her injury, and at thr basketball field o win the conpetition. Second, she shared her strategies with her team. They shared all the ideas they have in order to win.Moreover, they trained with their coach. Finally, they encourage themselves and give full piwer so as not to lose self-confidence. And the last step was the mental and emotional well being gaining by the self confidence. Lara reduces her stress by them. Her trust in her abilities made her less afraid of losing. Her positive mentality leads to improving her mental health.
In brief, Lara and her team played well as they win in the competition. Lara was proud of herself that she achieved her goal after she bacame injured. "A life uphill full of barriers that one should have the perseverance and confidence to pass through".

Enjoy reading the story.
Then, tell me what did you learn from it in your real life?☺️