

The Final Flight
The noise was too loud, almost as if someone was using a drill machine in his head. He craned his neck to relieve the cramp, but the tightness only intensified. Panic surged through him as he realized he couldn’t move. It took a moment, but the fog of confusion began to clear, and then it struck him—he was in a coffin, deep in the confines of an airplane.

His heart raced as he tried to process the situation. The darkness was stifling, the air thin and suffocating. He had no memory of how he got here. Had he been drugged? Was this a sick joke? A nightmare from which he couldn’t wake?

He strained to listen, and amidst the cacophony of engines and machinery, he heard muffled voices outside. The realization hit him hard: he was being transported, likely in the cargo hold, with no one aware of his consciousness. The weight of fear pressed down on him as he fought to gather his thoughts.

The last thing he remembered was sitting in a bar, nursing a drink after a grueling week at work. He had been stressed, overwhelmed by deadlines and office politics. A stranger had approached him, a man in a sharp suit who spoke in low, persuasive tones. Before he knew it, he was following the man outside, a haze clouding his judgment. Had the drink been spiked? The thought sent another wave of panic through him.

“Help!” he wanted to scream, but the sound barely echoed in his throat. He pressed against the wooden walls of the coffin, testing its strength. It was solid—he was trapped.

Suddenly, the plane jolted, and he felt the sudden drop of turbulence. His body slammed against the confines of the coffin, causing a sharp pain in his ribs. He gasped, his breath shallow, and then the noise intensified, a low rumble that made his insides churn. The plane was in trouble.

In that moment of chaos, he recalled his training as a flight attendant. Calmness. Assess the situation. He forced himself to breathe slowly, drawing from every ounce of his past experience. The plane’s distress signals echoed through his mind, and he imagined the frantic crew trying to stabilize the flight.

But what of him? He felt utterly helpless, and despair began to creep in. What if the plane went down? What if no one discovered him in time? A wave of claustrophobia washed over him, tightening the space around him.

He needed to act.

Desperation fueled his movements as he began to push against the lid of the coffin, straining with all his might. Each effort sent jolts of pain through his body, but he couldn’t give up. The voices outside grew louder, and he realized there were shouts of urgency and panic. Could they hear him?

With one final push, he felt the lid shift. Adrenaline coursed through him as he gripped the edge and threw it open with all his strength. The lid cracked open, and blinding light flooded in. He squinted against the brightness, struggling to focus.

The sight that greeted him was surreal. He was in a narrow aisle, surrounded by luggage and boxes, the cramped space a stark contrast to the chaos unfolding above him. The sounds of the flight crew, shouting commands, echoed above the din. He climbed out, unsteady on his feet, disoriented but driven by survival instinct.

He scrambled toward the front of the plane, his heart racing. He could hear the panic in the passengers’ voices as they were instructed to brace for impact. He moved faster, ignoring the pain shooting through his body.

“Help! I’m here!” he yelled, his voice hoarse.

A flight attendant appeared, her face a mask of shock and concern. “Oh my God! How did you get in there?”

“No time!” he gasped, urgency overriding his fear. “What’s happening? We need to land!”

The attendant blinked, shaking herself from her stupor. “We’re experiencing mechanical failure. We need to prepare for an emergency landing!”

As she spoke, the plane shook violently, and the lights flickered overhead. He could see the pilot through the cockpit door, frantically working the controls, sweat glistening on his brow.

“Is everyone accounted for?” the pilot shouted, his voice strained.

“Not yet!” the attendant yelled back, glancing at him. “Get to safety!”

Without thinking, he nodded and dashed forward. He remembered the safety procedures, the exits, the protocols. The passengers were strapped in, faces pale with fear, and he felt a sense of responsibility surge within him.

“Stay calm! We’re going to get through this!” he shouted, forcing a smile despite the fear gripping his heart.

He reached the cockpit door, pushing it open. The pilot looked at him with wide eyes. “What are you doing here?”

“Helping!” he replied. “What can I do?”

The pilot’s brow furrowed in concentration. “I need to maintain altitude until we reach the nearest airport. Can you help with the radio?”

He nodded, his hands trembling as he took the headset. “Mayday, mayday! This is Flight 247! We have a mechanical failure and need assistance for an emergency landing. Location: approximately ten miles from the nearest airport!”

The radio crackled with static, and he felt a wave of anxiety wash over him. But he kept speaking, detailing their situation and the number of passengers on board.

“Hang in there!” the pilot urged, his voice steady as he navigated through the turbulence. “We’re almost there!”

Moments felt like hours as they fought against the odds. Finally, the ground appeared below them, a patchwork of greens and browns. The pilot prepared for landing, and he felt a surge of hope.

As the plane touched down, a jolt ran through him, but they had made it. They rolled to a stop, and he could hear sirens approaching in the distance. The flight attendants sprang into action, guiding the passengers to evacuate.

He stepped out onto the tarmac, his legs unsteady but filled with relief. He took a moment to breathe in the fresh air, feeling the weight of the coffin and the terror lift from his shoulders.

In the chaos, he spotted a group of rescue personnel rushing toward the plane. He turned back to the cabin, watching as the last of the passengers exited. A sense of accomplishment surged within him—he had faced his fears and emerged alive.

As the reality of the situation sank in, he began to think about what had happened before he boarded that flight. Why had he allowed himself to be taken so easily? The stranger in the bar, the promises of escape from his mundane life—he had nearly paid the ultimate price for a moment’s distraction.

Later, as he stood by the emergency vehicles, watching the plane being inspected and passengers being cared for, he made a silent vow. He would never let himself be trapped again, whether in a coffin or in a life that didn’t fulfill him.

The experience had changed him. He had confronted death and emerged with a new appreciation for life, for freedom. He turned away from the wreckage, ready to face whatever came next, his heart racing with the thrill of survival. The journey ahead would be his to shape, free from the confines of fear or complacency.

© Shaamil