

Aurora: Possessed
✨The Search Of Our Beginning Is Written In The Stars ✨

She quickly rushes up the stairs and enters her room heading for the shutters.She stands on the chair and leans up high to get to the window as the thunder rumbles. She quickly jumps down seeming scared at that moment. "Oops!...That was a loud rumble..I..I guess I'll have to...". The lights in the room start to blink and fade away slowly as she quickly rushes and gets to the drawer with the mirror on top(dressing mirror). She opens the first drawer from top and searches for the flashlight very fast not finding where it is. She starts to get scared every moment as the lights blink slower this time. She finally finds the flashlight and raises her head just to see a girl standing in the mirror. The girl holds a ragged toy with her dress torn a little apart filled with blood stains. "Y..you don't seem scaryyy!!!" as the girl pounces on her making her fall on her back. She closes her eyes and starts to scream loudly. She crawls backwards for the flashlight and quickly turns it on finding no one in the room. She breathes uncontrollably and scouts the room with the flashlight palpitating and shivering... already scared. She hears some fast footsteps from behind and she quickly turns back and placing the flashlight on the wall...finding nothing. "M..Ms.Rose!!!!" she screams for help from her godmother taking a step back. She feels like having stepped in water and slowly lowers her head to notice it's blood as she screams and slips ...falling down. The batteries in the flashlight quickly dive out into diverse directions as the room gets really dark while she's on the floor in the blood. Whiles shivering she quickly kneels and closes her eyes tapping on the floor in search of the torchlight as she starts to sob slowly. She gets hold of it and gasps quickly turning it on and standing up. It lights the room up and she sighs a little in relief. Slow footsteps suddenly approach her from behind as the flashlight slowly gets dimmer. "No..no..no!..." she turns around and the flashlight turns off again with the room dark. She exhales sharply and a candle is lighted behind her. Someone touches her shoulder whispering into her ears, "..Would you like to play??..." in a deep echoed voice as Aurora stands still in shock with her eyes widely opened and heart beating faster than ever...

© Michael Webster ✨ @byCREED