

Dangerous Love
A wet leaf fell on her shoulder making her jump in fear. Startled she shifted from her hiding place behind the bush. She has been running all night long she wasn't getting tired now. She was not ready for death. She didn't mean to hurt him that bad she just wanted to enjoy her life as a young beautiful lady. She hears screams from far. "I'll kill you,you can run but I won't stop chasing you"

Her heart trembling with fear. She didn't know she was at the edge of a cliff. She took one step behind, One step that made her fly.
"No ,no this is not how my life should end" fear ate her she screamed loud enough to wake all the birds and deers .

She looked at the moon with pitiful eyes and whisper in silence "This is not fair.." Those were the last words before everything went to darkness..

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