

Under lockdown
My day, every day under lockdown, is like to live floting in the space with out any path to follow.
I Wake up, I thank, breathe, eat, read, write, analyze, observe, give my opinion to the world on social networks.
And sometimes I sing, I dance with myself, I talk with my thoughts, I correct my thoughts and togheter, with my thoughts, we focus again with the best attitude.
I play with the chubbies, I talk to the chubbies, my pets are three guinea pigs. My daughter calls them chubbies or fat. Sometimes I call them fat. We love them.
I continue the day...
flowing with the life and the plan of my soul now is to be here, doing nothing.
I continue eating again, thinking, meditating and going back to sleep ...
My daily obligations, to clean and to cook,
I like clean and cook.
I love life, I love my daugther, she is the apple of my eye.
I love nature, animals, flowers, red wine and chocolates.
And so it happens every day, time goes slowly, the seconds, minutes, and hours. the time slowly drain like vitamin K is injected under the skin, by a thick muscle for revitalize blood and stop bleeding at some point. To stop bleeding of tiredness and mental heaviness. that suddenly arrive, like one visit without invitation.
Attitude is vitamin K that will stop bleeding of toxic visit in my thoughts, in my feelings, in my emotions, in my life, to live with positive attitude is essencial for keep the happiness and peace. this is my life in quarantine. Under lockdown.
Thank to God today is one more day breathing and feeling the life...
By. Maricris Meza