

Your mine
You look away when I stare at you ,you blush with happiness her name is y/n
every time i stare at you, you lost control every time you open your heart to me I know you like me and I like you too but I keep it a little secret between my heart you take pictures of me secretly you loved me for years but you never confess to me until this one day there was a celebration the best celebration the prom dance one every buyed flowers chocolate and single are ready to mingle, but so many of my fans and classmate wants me but I only have one in heart you my love then there was this one girl confess to me and said I love you but you have heard it and I saw you ,you rushed full of tears I look for you and call's your name but no one answer's I look and search until I found you then you said to me congrats you said with a teary eyes and sad vioce I said too you plss let me explain but you said to me WHY DO YOU CARE YOUR NOT EVEN MY LOVER IM JUST AN OPTION YOU DONT LIKE ME YOU DONT YOU DONT!!-i hugged you and whisper to your ear I love you Your mine you where blushing then I ask you will you be my girl then you sayed yes . then we live happily ever after FIN. author note we are all single😭
© ECoPy15