

At the conference room...
Other colleagues are already seated waiting for the CEO to come and address them.
Susan Walks in... exchanges pleasantries with other colleagues and took a seat.
While chitchatting with other colleagues.
A young dark man in his early thirties, handsome and about 5.6ft tall dressed in a suit walked in along side with the CEO. He has his cologne filling the atmosphere
They both exchanged pleasantries with the staff before the meeting began.
"Good morning ladies and gentlemen. This is my son Nelson(placing his hands on his shoulders), he just returned from the states and he will be taking over from me. So everyone meet your new CEO" Mr. Williams said, as he finish introducing his son.
"I want you all to cooperate with him for the progress of this company",he said as he introduces the staff to him one by one.
POV: Nelson is 33years old , a graduate of economics and a masters degree holder from a prestigious business school in London. He is very disciplined, Hardworking and intelligent and does not tolerate insolence.
"Nelson stands up... "Good morning everyone", he said.
" Good morning Sir", They all responded.
" I am Nelson your new CEO and I will want you all to work hand in hand with me for the progress of this company. I will really appreciate it if you all are diligent and hardworking so we won't have problems with each other", He said.
"Okay sir", They all responded.
After the address, the meeting came to an end and the staffs were dismissed.
Susan got to her office still reminiscing over the meeting that was held when shola barged into her office.
" Sussy!! Don't you see our new CEO, Isn't he an handsome good looking man", she cooed.
" Yes, to say the oblivious; plus he is just like every other guy(sounds uninterested)
" Haba... By the way can't you see the way he looks at you. Seems he got eyes for you" Shola said.
" Haba... shola you don start be that. Don't be so ridiculous, common he just arrived today (giving a stern look🤨) and you are already saying he got eyes for me. He is just my Boss girlie", she huffed.
"I am telling you girl, he has got eyes for you. Shoot your shot girl you never can tell", Shola responded.
" I am not interested and biko, please be on the way to your office 'cos I don't want to be found wanting. The day is still fresh to start gossiping", She said as she escort her to the door".
"Looks at her mischievously...and left her office. See you soon "she yells".
After shola left
Susan start solliquizing...
" Nelson is actually good looking. But then, he can't be interested in me. I am not even his match. He is just my Boss and he just came into the office today. I can't be having such thoughts. Anyways shola is such a good friend she thought...
" This susan of a girl is proving stubborn. Anyways I will let her know who is more stubborn. I will make sure she gets her own match this year. Susan is such a sweet girl and I am blessed our path crossed", Shola thought...
© Asiat Adeleke