

Role of parents in adolsence
Parents are role models for their children.
Parents build a foundation for the future of their adolescents. Parents are the first institution and mentors for their kids. All actions and words of parents will have a direct impact on the mentality of their youngsters. Parents actions, intentions and communications will guide children behaviour, attitudes and beliefs in the long term. The more strong their relationship with their kids the more influence they will have. Parents should always keep a positive attitude. They should think act and talk optimistically.

Adolescence is the age of storm. During this stage, children are on the emotional edge. They are not fully mature persons.
They are going toward childhood to maturity. The journey between childhood to adulthood is called teenage and it will take time. Till that they need protection, guidance and a decent peer group. Parents should always take care of their teen's mental health and thought processes.
Parents play the role of all time in charge when they are in childhood but in adolescence their role changes now they are monitors and advisors. This stage gives teenagers more freedom they start taking their own decision in all fields but still, it's the responsibility of parents to guide them about good and bad decisions

In this stage, parents should first educate themselves. They should read books about teenagers. Think back on their teen years. They should remember their struggles with acne or embarrassment at developing early — or late.

Expect some mood changes in your typically sunny child, and be prepared for more conflict as he or she matures as an individual. Parents who know what's coming can cope with it better.

Parents might think that peer groups have a strong influence on their teenager's life.
No doubt that friends strongly influence teenagers but parents also do. Friends can change dressing style, hairstyle or lifestyle.
but parents influence basic values like religious values, culture, studies and issues related to the future.

Parents should always keep an eye on teenagers friend group, their actions and activities. A good friend group can illuminate the future of your teen. Always help your children to choose friends with good qualities.
. Parents should instruct their children about right and wrong. They should boost their moral values.

.Nowadays it is a trend to have opposite gender friends. There is nothing wrong with this trend if everything will be at a limit.

.If your teenager is a female it's the responsibility of parents to teach them about good and bad touch.

.Teenage girl requires more care and emotional support from their parents
Parents should always guide their daughters on how to stay strong mentally and physically and be careful about manipulators.

.Girls require counselling about how to protect themselves emotionally so that they will never allow anyone to play with their sentiments.

Parents should instruct their kids on how to maintain discipline in all relations.

During adolescence, girls get disturbed due to periods and mood swings. parents should instruct them on how to maintain hygiene during these days and also should provide the best diet that will be helpful for them during periods.

If teenagers want to dye their hair, paint their fingernails black, or wear funky clothes, think twice before you object. Teens want to shock their parents and it's a lot better to let them do something temporary and harmless; save your objections for things that matter, like tobacco, drugs and alcohol, or permanent changes to their appearance.

.Parents should regularly visit and contact the school or institution of their kids.

.Parents should be in contact with their teen's peer group and with the parents of their friends.

.Parents should keep an eye on the online activities of their teenagers. They should regularly check their phone and what they are searching on Google.

.Parents should not allow children to spend limitless time on the internet. Its harmful for them mentally and physically.
Instead, they should teach them how to maintain their health by eating well and exercising regularly.

Parents should involve their kids in outdoor activities. Like games, swimming they should boost their kids for participating in the competitions and other activities which will keep them mentally fit.

.Parents should involve their kids in the family discussion so that in future it will be easy for them to take responsibility.

.Parents should listen carefully to teenagers their concerns, feelings and always respect their views. Teenagers always hesitate while sharing their secrets with parents. They are often afraid of being lectured punished or not understood.

Parents should instruct children about drug addictions and should present drug addicts as victims and criminals. They should know how drug addiction can destroy life.

During adolescence, girls get disturbed due to periods and mood swings. parents should teach them how to maintain hygiene during these days and also should provide the best diet that will be helpful for them during periods.
.Parents play a role of a friend, mentor and
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