

A Billionaire's love❤️(Chapter - 1)
"Blind Eyes knows the way🌌 but Blind heart don't know the love❣️❣️"

He is an miraculous man who had been know for his arrogance and hardwork.

But he is blind.

He never considered himself as a special person but as a talented and active young man.

Ram, a billionaire of "Uma Medical Equipments Pvt Ltd"

He is an Biomedical Graduate who had well-known about all the equipments and devices working process, testing and even a small technical fault!!

He used to hide his blindness in the form of arrogance.

Ram used to live with his one and only grandmother in a palace but not happy with heart.

"Every arrogant man had a bitter flashback!"

Meera, an famous social speaker and worker who knows about people's pain and happiness!!

Meera used to live with her friend in a ladies hostel.

She is pursuing B.Sc(IT) Third year!!

On the way to Ram's home, an innocent girl stopped the car to help someone whose blood is flooded in road.

But he refused so his driver started to move the car.

The girl, "Stopped the car again, she says something like, I have never seen anyone like you, a ridiculous and dirty man with a devil heart".

How can you be so arrogant without kindness??

Did you killed your humanity??

Now, he can't tolerate any more word from that girl, so he stopped her by his harsh voice!!

Then he caught her shoulder just by the sound of her earings.

He is sharp in finding objects,people and a way but not a pure 💓

He says that,"I know what I am doing!"

Who the hell are you to argue with me??

And if you waste time with me instead of finding a vehicle you will become the victim of that your so called poor soul's death!!

Soon he reached his 🏠

But he dialed Ambulance and arranged a free treatment with one of his famous friend who is a doctor

Soon the ambulance reached to that particular spot to save that soul.

This is the first time, he helped someone unknowingly and knowingly as well.

This incident related to his past!!

To be continued ❣️❣️❣️❣️

© Fragrance